Hillary Clinton is no better than the Republicans running for President

Filed in National by on December 2, 2015

The headline above is pure bullshit and yet Bernie supporters are starting to believe it.

All I can say is that if Bernie fails to win the nomination, and then fails to rally the fuck out his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, and liberal Democrats stay home, we are screwed. So screwed that it will be a century before we can even think about being unscrewed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. ben says:

    Gotta make sure we remind the kids their ideals are dumb and they should just fall in line.

  2. tom Morrison says:

    If you’re too young to remember 2000, you could at least think about the 4 Justices the next Pres will appoint. I intend to make damn sure emos who insist on Purity Tests are first in line for Trump/Cruz Re-education Camps..

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    Thanks for posting on such a novel topic. This line of argument never occurred to me. It’s like a breath of stale air. Plus it took only about ten minutes for someone to fear-monger the 2000 election results, which is always great fun, hanging chads, etc. I always try to differentiate politics and democracy. That’s just a little intellectual thing I do. Perhaps put the hankies and wet wipes away just for now.* When you get caught up in the same political centrifuge day after day after day the very undemocratic notions tend to separate themselves out and become clearer in your rhetoric, also.


    Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:
    Topping Trump 49 – 41 percent;
    Getting 44 percent to Rubio’s 43 percent;
    Beating Cruz 49 – 39 percent;
    Leading Carson 47 – 41 percent.

  4. ben says:

    Im not too young to remember 2000. But just in case… Please remind me of the name of the other super popular Democratic candidate who refused to support Al Gore and thus cost the election.
    Things to remember… Al Gore won, Ralph Nader was never Democrat, or very popular.

  5. Jason330 says:

    ben and Dorian – I guess you guys missed this: ” …if Bernie fails to win the nomination,”

    The kids need not betray their values. They just need to be rational and have some sense of sportsmanship if their guy doesn’t make the cut. Just as Clinton supporters need to be rational if their gal slips on a banana peel.

    …Unless you are arguing that Hillary Clinton is no better than the Republicans running for President, in that case, you are an idiots, and I have no time for idiots.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    When you describe it as “sportsmanship” you’re doing the thing that actually turns most people off.

  7. ben says:

    ^ here, here
    Jason, dont you take losing democrats to task for not appealing to mid-term voters? What his Hillary Clinton going to do to prove to one of the fastest growing voting blocks that she deserves our vote?

  8. cjm says:

    Well if she didn’t act like one we wouldn’t have to call her one.

  9. Jason330 says:

    I see that Clinton has a big responsibility here – but let’s all be serious for a second.

    If the choice is between Clinton and ANY of the GOP field – Democrats of every flavor, from Tom Carper to Michael Moore better work their asses off to get the vote out, because there is NO denying that a Republican win would be catastrophic.

  10. SussexAnon says:

    Or Hillary could give Bernie supporters something to rally about.

  11. Jason330 says:

    Clinton has a some responsibility. I grant that. None of you fucking bitches can grant that all decent people have a responsibility to humanity to vote against whoever the GOP nominee is.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Some of the more vocal Bernie supporters are the actual socialists / independents that in fact never vote for the Democrat. They didn’t even vote for Obama in 2008. So I am not as concerned. The vast majority of Democrats will come home in 2016 to vote for Hillary because no one can say that there is no difference. With the centrist Gore and the compassionate conservative Bush in 2000, it was different. But the GOP will not be nominating someone this time that will pretend to be a moderate. We will get either Trump or Cruz. So I am not worried.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Further, if the vast majority of Clinton’s supporters came home in 2008 after the most acrimonious and lengthy primary in Democratic Party history, they will come home this time too.

  14. Steve Newton says:

    I have already said this in another thread, but it bears repeating: jason’s absolutely right. Looking at the presumptive GOP nominees–Trump, Carson, Rubio, Cruz–and I really believe at this point it will either shake out to be Cruz or a Trump/Rubio ticket–and as much as I disagree with and dislike Hillary, I will have to not only vote for her, I’ll have to actively support her. Because even though there are many ways in which I think she could be a disaster, and even though from my perspective she at best aspires to business as usual mediocrity …

    … a vote for Trump, Carson, Rubio, or Cruz is a vote to simply cut the entire soul out of the American dream …

  15. Susan says:

    I think the problem is the tone on this thread. Why is anyone comparing HC to the Republicans (other than the obvious, she is a political machine)? She is liberal compared to the Republican candidates.
    As a democratic socialist (and probably one of the fucking bitches), IF Bernie loses the ticket, I will vote for the lesser evil as I have done since the age of 18. Many of my friends scattered throughout the nation also share this mind set.
    All of this political anger is unwarranted and premature.

  16. Jason330 says:

    You make a good point. I’m freaking out, and every time Trump or Cruz speaks, I get a little edgier.

  17. LeBay says:

    Why is anyone comparing HC to the Republicans (other than the obvious, she is a political machine)? She is liberal compared to the Republican candidates.

    We’re comparing her to her competitors. Is that wrong? Hillary will most likely be the Democratic nominee for President. Why wouldn’t we compare her to Republican candidates? BTW, Hillary is a corporate whore, just like her nominal husband and our current Commander In Chief.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Super. Excelent insights. If she win the nomination, would that keep you from voting for her?

  19. Liberal Elite says:

    The way I see it.

    I agree with both Hillary and Bernie on about 97% of the issues.
    Between the two of them, they agree on about 95% of the major issues of the day.

    If you guys want to get riled up about the 5% where they do differ, go ahead and do so, but please don’t lose sight of the other 95%… important issues where the GOP really wants to mess thing up for America.

    For me it comes down to competency and capability and pragmatism. Hillary wins that comparison, hands down! It’s not even close.

  20. Susan says:

    Jason, my suggestion is to stop listening to Trump and Cruz. I know observation is not objective scientific study but this activity seems to lead to stupidity when taken seriously. Stupidity will be the next American epidemic.