Copeland calls out Governor Elect John Carney for being chickenshit on $15.05 Min Wage

Filed in National by on December 3, 2015

Copeland has a point. If he was running as a Democrat, (instead of the guy who is next in line to be Governor) he could easily say, “Hell, yes I support the $15.05 minimum wage.” But his political career isn’t about values, it is about not saying shit that someone might not like.

GOP Pushes Carney On Minimum Wage Position

NEWARK, DE — The Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party, Charlie Copeland, pressed Democrat John Carney on his failure to take a firm position on increasing Delaware’s minimum wage to $15.05. Specifically, Copeland took issue with Carney’s remarks reported in Wednesday’s News Journal in which the Democratic candidate for Governor said that minimum wage increases, “…are an important step that needs part of a broader plan to help workers struggling to make ends meet….”

“John Carney needs to be honest with the citizens of Delaware about where he stands on efforts to increase the minimum wage to $15.05,” said Copland. “I’m not sure why he seems to think that he can skate-by on serious issues that deserve a serious response. He’s either for it or not, and he needs to tell people”, Copeland continued.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    The Delaware Democratic party needs Charlie Copeland.
    You can’t show me anyone with any clout in the party who will stand up and tell John Carney to be a real Democrat and support a $15/hour minimum wage.

    (And while you’re at it, Charlie, in the interest of fairness, why don’t you ask Colin Bonini and Lacey Lafferty how low they think the minimum wage ought to be?)

  2. Jason330 says:

    While I think it is absolutely imperative that every decent American vote for the Democratic nominee for President, I don’t think it is imperative that every decent Delawarean vote for Governor Elect John Carney.

    For one thing, he is a lock. Beyond that, if Lacey Lafferty or Bonini somehow wins the Governorship (which will not happen), it could be the jolt the Delaware Democratic Party needs to rediscover the importance of having core values.

  3. c'est la vie says:

    Sean Lynn for Governor!

  4. Bob says:

    Carney is going to say whatever his polling numbers tell him.