The All-Purpose Question Thread for Presumptive Governor John Carney
It has occurred to me that we don’t really know where John Carney stands on the major issues facing Delaware. So, let’s put together a list for him. You know, to give him enough time to begin thinking about these things. Please add your own questions to the list:
1. Do you support repeal of the death penalty? With or without exceptions?
2. Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
3. What is your plan for addressing the education mess that the so-called grownups have created and exacerbated?
4. Do you support single-payer if it can be made feasible for Delaware?
5. Will you follow through on your House vote and prohibit Syrian refugees from resettling in Delaware?
6. What level of minimum wage increase will you support as governor?
OK, kids, I don’t plan to hog them all. Please add to the list. We, your Benevolent Overlords here at DL, will do everything in our power to seek responses from the putative Governor-In-Waiting. Also, if you actually have proof of positions that Carney has taken on any question, please provide it to us. Yes, being on both sides of the same issue counts as proof–of something.
Do you think it’s time to overhaul our tax system, I.e., moving more of the burden to the wealthy?
Do you support some type of tax increase to invest in our infrastructure?
What is your actual plan for bringing jobs to Delaware?
What is your plan for cleaning up Delaware’s rivers and streams?
When will you stop allowing Bloom Energy to suck $35 million/year out of our electric bills without actually hiring the number of people they promised?
My questions:
As governor, will he support fully funding the open space and agricultural preservation funds that are critical to Delaware’s health, recreational, and environmental needs, or will he allow the funds to remain partially or fully unfunded?
How does the governor plan to address the increasing levels of sprawl in the state?
Does the governor have a plan to address current or looming open space crises, such as Woodlawn’s Beaver Valley holdings, the pending development of Brandywine Country Club, and the potential for development of the DuPont Country Club?
Is the governor prepared to commit to the ongoing cleanup efforts of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays? The state is presently falling short of its commitments here.
One of governor Markell’s few environmental successes has been his walkable, bikeable Delaware initiatives such as the trails and greenways program. Will a governor Carney continue this?
Where does the he stand on the prospect of issuing Coastal Zone waivers for a Port of Wilmington expansion or redevelopment of Evraz and EdgeMoor?
Follow-ups to your question 3:
3A. Will your budget proposals include new funding to strengthen instruction for high-poverty/low-income/English-language-learning students … in Wilmington and throughout the state?
3B. Will you seek (or support) any changes in current law in order to provide capital funding for construction projects for charter schools?
3C. How would you change or replace the existing unit-count system for funding public education?
3D. Should there be further consolidation of school districts, especially in Kent and Sussex counties?
3E. Do you support a statewide reassessment of real property?
How will your economic development strategy differ from the practices of the Markell administration?
What standards will the Carney administration apply in order to assess the success of grants and loans awarded by the Strategic Fund?
What is your assessment of the merits of the strategy of attempting to outbid neighboring states to entice businesses to locate in Delaware?
What criteria will you use in selecting Cabinet members and senior staff members?
Does your upper lip still feel naked?
The wealthy are paying for all the bullshit handouts. Delaware already has an outrageous income tax. Time for Delaware to act on a sales tax. At this point businesses and high income earners are leaving the state. They certainly aren’t coming to DE to live!!!
AQC says:
December 18, 2015 at 7:54 pm
Do you think it’s time to overhaul our tax system, I.e., moving more of the burden to the wealthy?
Do you support some type of tax increase to invest in our infrastructure?
What is your actual plan for bringing jobs to Delaware?
A recent published integrity report found Delaware to be one of many States that failed an integrity audit. With the most recent example of misconduct involving the AG and the JFC, what are you prepared to do to clean up the mess our State’s government is in and what actions are you going to take to prevent such misconduct in the future.
Tom Kline, some broke ass idiot, can’t get enough of carrying water for the 1 percent. You have to wonder what he gets out of it. Some psychological revenge against an affection withholding parent?
An agenda such as this will lead to another failed 8 years. Delaware is bleeding jobs. The state is slowly dying. Economic development should be priorities
#1, 2 and 3.
Will you as the next Governor, stop making bad investments, like Bloom Energy and Fisker?
How will the next Governor return Wilmington to its former glory?
I was thinking similar things Jason. I bet child abuse and emotional neglect generates many an angry sadistic republican
Will he consider making sure Sussex County has some skin in the game from all this mindless development they approve and perhaps consider taking the transfer tax that creates a perverse incentive
Will you finally propose a pay raise for the non-unionized state employees who have been without one since at least 2009?
Will you push for more transparency in Delaware’s government, which received an F from the Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity in its latest report? (We ranked 48th in governmental accountability.)
Where do you stand on the FOIA exemptions for the University of Delaware and Delaware State?
With regard to El Somnambulo’s initial questions, and many of the follow ups – I don’t think Carney will be addressing any of these prior to the election. Why bother? He’ll talk about what a bi-partisan hero he was in congress and how awesome bipartisanship is. I’m not expecting any specifics.