Delaware Liberal

The All-Purpose Question Thread for Presumptive Governor John Carney

It has occurred to me that we don’t really know where John Carney stands on the major issues facing Delaware.  So, let’s put together a list for him. You know, to give him enough time to begin thinking about these things.  Please add your own questions to the list:

1. Do you support repeal of the death penalty?  With or without exceptions?

2. Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

3. What is your plan for addressing the education mess that the so-called grownups have created and exacerbated?

4. Do you support single-payer if it can be made feasible for Delaware?

5. Will you follow through on your House vote and prohibit Syrian refugees from resettling in Delaware?

6. What level of minimum wage increase will you support as governor?

OK, kids, I don’t plan to hog them all. Please add to the list. We, your Benevolent Overlords here at DL, will do everything in our power to seek responses from the putative Governor-In-Waiting. Also, if you actually have proof of positions that Carney has taken on any question, please provide it to us. Yes, being on both sides of the same issue counts as proof–of something.

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