Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo’s Fave Songs of 2015: The Top 10!!

But first, a recap for those late to the party:





And now, the moment that all, or perhaps some, of you have been waiting for…

10. The album’s called “Sometimes I Sit and Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit”.  Me? I don’t believe she ever stops thinking and/or observing. Check out the details in this song:

9. In a just world, Jazmine Sullivan would rule:

8.  “Jesus hates your high school dances….hates ’em.”

7. A gorgeous elegy to a very complicated mother:

6. In which a man’s spiritual journey throws him off the tracks, and he struggles to regain his footing:

5.  Courtesy of Chance the Rapper. Video of the Year:

4. “We turned into our parents before we were out of our teens.” Perhaps our most observant and empathetic songwriter sets his sights on a long-lasting rural Minnesota couple:

3. Oh, those harmonies:

2. Sonuvabitch!!:

1. As a child, John Darnielle retreated into the good vs. evil world of pro rasslin’ to (a) escape for brief moments from his abusive father and to (b) imagine the time when good (him) triumphed over evil (his father).  “Look high, it’s my last hope, Chavo Guerrero coming off the top rope”.  My Song of the Year:

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