Delaware Liberal

SOTU – Who was the President talking to about bipartisanship?

My hobby horse is in splinters from having been ridden to death. I’ve railed against John Carney giving aid and comfort to the radicalized doomsday cult know as the GOP long after I was able to do so, and be funny at the same time. So…was the President talking to me last night? Let’s see…

There is one party in this country that holds compromise to be abhorrent. There is one party in this country that has puts fealty to the party above loyalty to the country. There is one party that uses the levers of racism and fear to divide us. Am I a member of that party? No, I’m not. So the President wasn’t talking to me last night. He was talking to Charlie Copeland, and other Republicans who have let their hatred of the black President so twist their minds that they a majority of them now support a candidate who is so transparently anti-American that he has garnered the approval of Nazis and White Supremacists.

He was talking to Republicans who want to tear down what it took 250 years to build. But the President was also talking to their enablers, like John Carney. Carney views blind “bipartisanship” as some sort of virtue. Like a man who reads that carrot juice is “good for you” and drinks nothing but carrot juice until he is killed by carrot juice poisoning, John Carney has no discernment. Compromise with the modern GOP isn’t virtuous, any more than trying to compromising with a fire as it burns down your home.

What I’d like to see John Carney do, (and something I know he will never do) is to acknowledge reality. To stop living in some dreamworld where “reasonable” Republicans will come around as long as you let them have EVERYTHING they want. to sound more like the President when he plainly told the truth about the GOP:

Democracy grinds to a halt without a willingness to compromise; or when even basic facts are contested, and we listen only to those who agree with us.

John Carney’s “golly, gee guys” stance these years in Congress has not been naive, it has been stupid. And now he is going to be the Governor of Delaware. A stupid, easily manipulated man. Huzzah!

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