Delaware Liberal

Here is what I’d love the Green Party to do…

1) Acknowledge Reality. There is a WORLD of difference between Hillary Clinton and even the most moderate of Republicans. Saying that there is no difference is just stupid. It is like saying the Earth is 10,000 years old. You are living in a dream land. You might have had a point 20 years ago, but if you still think that the Democratic Party is as corrupt as the GOP, you have your head up your ass.

2) Use your energy to help reform the Democratic Party. The Democrats could use some feisty lefties causing them heartburn and moving the overton window to the left. You wouldn’t even need to compromise your cherished principals to have an impact. Simply allow that you are part of a left of center collation – and that your votes are note free for the taking, but must be earned.

3)Get off your high horse. I’ve been accused of high horsemanship enough to know that it is galling – but it is true. American politics is all about compromise and coalition building. You’ve adopted a righteous irrelevancy. Get over it.

4) There is no item #4.

None of this is going to happen. The Green Party people I’ve chatted with have built their self-esteem around the idea that they are incorruptible. Irrelevant nit wits, but incorruptible irrelevant not wits. It is a shame, but there it it.

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