Delaware Liberal

Criminal Justice Reform in Delaware

The Complexities of Color Coalition, the NAACP Delaware State Conference, the Interdenominational Ministers Action Council of Delaware, the Delaware Latino Restorative Justice Project, along with other organizations, will be holding a news conference on Wednesday January 27th at 12 pm in the House Chamber at Legislative Hall to address the racial inequities in Delaware’s criminal justice system.

From the press release:

During the news conference the call to action for Delaware’s political leaders will be unmistakably clear– communities of color are no longer willing to tolerate the status quo.

“This is the year that legislative leaders must finally begin addressing racial injustice in Delaware,” said Dr. Donald Morton, Executive Director, Complexities of Color Coalition. “Continued foot dragging and false promises on issues such as racial profiling, excessive force, and the death penalty will tell us that black and brown lives really don’t matter to them.”

An array of community leaders will be joining Dr. Morton at the news conference, including civil rights leaders, political leaders, faith leaders, and Latino leaders.

“Their message will represent what Delaware’s communities of color have been demanding for years,” Morton said. “The only difference now is that time running short and emotions are running high due to repeated inaction and empty assurances,” Dr. Morton said. “If the Democrats in charge of Delaware do not act during this legislation session there will be a price to pay.”

Go ahead Dr. Morton, shake these legislators awake. They love to ignore threats from Progressives all the time, and it’s true that Democrats can probably still win without us so ignoring our threats carries no price. But let’s see Democrats try to win state-wide without the African American vote.

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