Delaware Liberal

Death Penalty Repeal Released from Committee, but may face defeat on the floor.

House Judiciary Committee chair Rep. Larry Mitchell announced today that he has taken action to release the bill to repeal the death penalty (Senate Bill 40) from the House Judiciary Committee, and allegedly, House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf has committed to placing Senate Bill 40 on the House agenda for Thursday, January 28. I say allegedly only because, given actions to date, I will believe it when it happens, and if it happens, than a hearty thank you is due to the Speaker. But the cynic in me wonders if the Speaker is only doing this because he knows the bill is going to be defeated, and in fact, given his agreement to do this, I must say that that is the likeliest outcome here.

As you may know, SB 40 was debated in the House Judiciary Committee last year, but it failed to secure enough votes to be released from the committee. Rep. Sean Lynn, a prime sponsor of the bill along with Senator Karen Peterson, had stated that he would petition the bill out of committee at the start of the new session. To do that, he would need the signatures or votes of the majority of the chamber (or 21 votes). That he did not do that, and instead it was Committee Chair Larry Mitchell released it on his own accord with an unfavorable endorsement, tells me that maybe there are not enough yes votes for this to pass.

So we will see how this goes. If you want the death penalty repealed and you want your Democratic or Republican legislators to vote that way, you better contact them between now and next Thursday.

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