Archive for January, 2016

Breaking: Delaware has the 8th best sushi restaurant in the country

Filed in National by on January 20, 2016 0 Comments
Breaking: Delaware has the 8th best sushi restaurant in the country

According to Tabelog ..and it isn’t some slide show you have to click through. Congratulations to the Cultured Pearl.

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Wednesday Open Thread [1.20.2016]

Filed in National by on January 20, 2016 7 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [1.20.2016]

Michael Gerson, another panicking Republican, says Ted Cruz “is actually more of a demagogue than an ideologue.”

“For Republicans, the only good outcome of Trump vs. Cruz is for both to lose. The future of the party as the carrier of a humane, inclusive conservatism now depends on some viable choice beyond them.”

Michael Gerson is either a liar or he is delusional. The Republican Party as it has stood for over a hundred years, has not a home to humane, inclusive conservatism. All these establishment types crying over the fact that the monster they have relied upon to win elections for over a hundred years has escaped his chains, torn the mask off his master, and torn the curtain down to reveal the true nature of the Party. If Gerson is crying, he is crying over the fact that he can no longer pretend to be respectable and a Republican at the same time.

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NY Daily News Nails it again

Filed in National by on January 20, 2016 4 Comments


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Pete’s Park City Pick Approved

Filed in National by on January 20, 2016 22 Comments
Pete’s Park City Pick Approved

DOVER — Amidst questions about lieutenant governor candidate Kathy McGuiness’ eligibility, the Department of Elections has ruled she meets the residency requirement and thus is able to run for office.

The Delaware Constitution mandates the lieutenant governor must be a resident of the state for 12 years, the last six consecutively before the election. Ms. McGuiness, a Rehoboth Beach resident and one of six Democrats currently running for the office, has maintained an address in Delaware for her entire life, but she also had a condominium in Park City, Utah, and had voted there and obtained a Utah driver’s license.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [1.20.2016]

Filed in National by on January 20, 2016 0 Comments

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It looks like Lisa Blunt Rochester has had her ticket stamped

Filed in National by on January 19, 2016 8 Comments
It looks like Lisa Blunt Rochester has had her ticket stamped

As Delaware’s leading Cohenologist, I can say with some authority that this Celia Cohen blog post, signals that Lisa Blunt Rochester has been formally accepted into the little club that counts Joe Biden, Tom Carper, Mike Castle, and Governor Elect John Carney as members.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., Jan. 19, 2016

Filed in Delaware by on January 19, 2016 4 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., Jan. 19, 2016

You didn’t read about it in the ‘Paper of Record’, but the so-called ‘Delaware Competes’ bill flew through the House (only two no votes, Kowalko and Williams) and is now poised for equally-swift consideration in the Senate.  Actually, you didn’t read about it in the daily Session Activity Report, either.  Unless…you scrolled all the way down and saw that the bill had already been assigned to the Senate Executive Committee.  Stealth all the way.  So, I’ve got a legit question to some of our progressive legislators:  Did you vote Yes because you’ve been informed as to how the bill will be paid for?  If so, would you care to share it with us? If not, why did you vote yes? These are not snark questions, I really want to know.  I’m missing something (insert joke here), just don’t know what.

HJR 10 (Bolden), in which Delaware apologizes for its role in slavery, also passed the House. The one ‘no’ vote was John Atkins’ replacement, Rep. Richard Collins.

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.19.2016]

Filed in National by on January 19, 2016 29 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [1.19.2016]

Steve Benen says Bernie and Hillary offer Dems a choice: revolution or evolution.

More so than at any point in recent memory, Hillary Clinton presented herself last night as the inheritor of President Obama’s mantle. [In press releases during the debate last night, the Clinton campaign said] “Hillary Clinton believes we must build on the progress achieved under President Obama and that, no matter what, we can’t go backwards,” the press release said. “Despite 70 consecutive months of private sector job growth and landmark legislation for universal health care and Wall Street reform, Senator Sanders has a troubling history of questioning President Obama and his achievements.” […] Clinton wants to build on Obama’s legacy, while Sanders supports a far-more progressive and ambitious platform that would replace some of what Obama has done.

If you’re a Democrat who believes the Obama era has been filled with important accomplishments, Clinton wants you to know she’ll fight to protect those policies from Republicans who would tear them down. If you’re a Democrat who believes Obama’s successes have been too moderate and incremental, Sanders offers a more revolutionary alternative.

In other words, Clinton wants the Democratic primary to be a referendum on the Obama presidency – and in her vision, pro-Obama Democrats should side with her.

That’s actually not a bad plan. As Politico’s Michael Grunwald explained this morning, “The politics of this warm embrace aren’t hard to understand. Obama’s approval rating has climbed to nearly 50 percent, and nearly 90 percent among Democrats; he’s especially popular among African-Americans, a big part of South Carolina’s primary electorate. With unemployment down by half on Obama’s watch, the deficit down three fourths, gas at $2, and the uninsured rate at historic lows, what’s harder to understand is why the Democratic candidates have taken this long to embrace him. They’re going to be accused of running for Obama’s third term no matter what they say; it can only help them to make a case for the first two.”

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.19.2016]

Filed in National by on January 19, 2016 0 Comments

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Bernie’s Healthcare Plan is Here

Filed in National by on January 18, 2016 6 Comments
Bernie’s Healthcare Plan is Here

Bernie’s plan will cost over $6 trillion less than the current health care system over the next ten years.

The United States currently spends $3 trillion on health care each year—nearly $10,000 per person. Reforming our health care system, simplifying our payment structure and incentivizing new ways to make sure patients are actually getting better health care will generate massive savings. This plan has been estimated to save the American people and businesses over $6 trillion over the next decade.

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Monday Open Thread [1.18.2016]

Filed in National by on January 18, 2016 0 Comments
Monday Open Thread [1.18.2016]

What’s it like to be a non-white person at a Trump Fascism Rally?

“So a person came up to me and said, ‘Aren’t you the wrong color to be here?’”

I’m white, so I never really had the experience of what it must be like to be a minority, any minority, let alone grow up with that experience as an everyday experience. Reading this article gives you an insight into how horrible that experience can be, and how evil it is reinforce that feeling through statements like that above. I really hate white people sometimes.

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We can see the Mountaintop, but we are not there yet.

Filed in National by on January 18, 2016 0 Comments
We can see the Mountaintop, but we are not there yet.

In honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of our best Americans, I present his last speech to the world. You might not have ever heard it. It is a long speech. And you’ve never heard it. Listen to the first five minutes and the last two. You owe it to yourself to listen to it, at least those 7 minutes. These are his last words to the world. The morning after this speech he is killed.

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4th Debate Reaction

Filed in National by on January 18, 2016 1 Comment
4th Debate Reaction

Bernie Sanders took on the role of front runner tonight, fielding attacks from Hillary Clinton all night. It is the role that she is most comfortable in. Clinton destroyed Sanders on gun control and finally found an argument to counter Sanders on single payer healthcare: the embrace of the most popular Democrat alive, President Obama, and his signature policy achievement, Obamacare. Clinton spent the entire night trying to convince Democrats she was the heir to President Obama’s legacy. She made clear she is running for Obama’s third term. It’s a smart strategy because it serves the double-purpose of implying that Sanders is less friendly to Obama. Clinton was effective, presidential and the clear winner of the debate.

Sanders had his moments, especially railing against Wall Street and he did ding Hillary on speaking fees she had received from Goldman Sachs. But in order to help himself in the primary, he needs to take his trademark anger and shouting and direct it towards Republicans rather than Hillary. Aside from some Progressives who hate Hillary more than they hate Republicans (and thus already support Sanders), Democrats are not angry with Hillary. They like her a lot, actually. No, they, we, are angry with Republicans, for a whole host of reasons. To win the primary, Bernie needs to win the votes of Democrats who like Hillary. So he cannot really attack her and should not direct his anger towards her. Which is why he was smart to back away from his comments on Bill Clinton. No, what Bernie needs to do is convince Democrats that he is the one to take on Republicans.

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