Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [2.3.2016]

NEW HAMPSHIREARG: Sanders 49, Clinton 43
NEW HAMPSHIREARG: Trump 34, Kasich 16, Rubio 11, Cruz 10, Bush 9, Christie 6, Fiorina 2, Carson 2, Santorum 1

John Cassidy’s analysis from The New Yorker on Clinton’s narrow win over Sanders:

This result doesn’t mean that Hillary Clinton won’t win the nomination. Although she seems likely to lose again in New Hampshire next week, she remains a strong over-all favorite: on betting sites, even today, to win twenty dollars on Hillary emerging as the Democratic candidate, you would have to bet a hundred dollars. But for Clinton to unite her party and galvanize it for what could be a tough fight in the fall, she needs to find some way to appeal to the young, who have fastened onto Sanders’s anti-establishment message.

Sore loser wants a do-over in Iowa:

Bernie, don’t follow Trump’s example.

Los Angeles Times: “Trump’s second-place finish in Iowa exposed an array of weaknesses in his campaign: His flashiness has started to grate on supporters like Goacher. He’s proved vulnerable to attacks on his ideological purity. And he failed to put together an effective ground operation.”

“All this raises questions about the novice candidate’s wherewithal to command the kind of sprawling and complex enterprise required to win the presidency. The skills that enabled Trump to build his business empire are not entirely the same as the ones he needs to win the world’s most powerful job.”

New York Times: “No candidate in either party appears to have an easy path to capture consecutive victories in the next two contests, in New Hampshire and South Carolina. No one left Iowa with a convincing, rival-crushing win.”

“And for the first time in recent history, insurgent candidates on both the left and the right are emerging from the caucuses with enough money to finance a strong offensive in the weeks ahead, across electoral terrain that will vary from famously flinty New Hampshire to conservative, middle-class upstate South Carolina to the post-recession suburbs of Las Vegas.”

“What remains for the surviving contenders — particularly on the Republican side — are convoluted and extended paths to their parties’ nominations. As of the end of December, the candidates and their allied “super PACs” had more than $288 million in cash on hand, according to Federal Election Commission reports filed through Sunday evening.”

Nate Cohn: “Bernie Sanders is right: The Iowa Democratic caucuses were a ‘virtual tie,’ especially after you consider that the results aren’t even actual vote tallies, but state delegate equivalents subject to all kinds of messy rounding rules and potential geographic biases.”

“But in the end, a virtual tie in Iowa is an acceptable, if not ideal, result for Mrs. Clinton and an ominous one for Mr. Sanders. He failed to win a state tailor made to his strengths.”

“I want to be your first.” — Jeb Bush, when told by a college student that the 2016 election would be his first time voting.

Sweet Jesus, is Jeb Bush the most awkward campaigner in all history?

Nate Cohn: “In the end, Mr. Trump came closer to taking third than to winning.”

“The result doesn’t necessarily leave us much closer to knowing who the eventual nominee will be. It probably signals the beginning of a protracted, three-way fight for the nomination. But the loss raises the possibility that Mr. Trump’s strength is at least partly an illusion; he may not be quite as strong as he looks.”

Nate Silver: “There may have been a more basic reason for Trump’s loss: The dude just ain’t all that popular. Even among Republicans.”

Rebecca Tainster:

Clinton, who has in one way or another spent decades of her career pushing for universal health care reform, was expressing her obvious lack of patience for a candidate whose idea of starting from scratch, rather than building on the reforms of the flawed but hard-won Affordable Care Act, strikes her as pie-in-the-sky.

But in failing to present an upbeat take on her disagreement with Sanders, Clinton had sounded like a scold, the disciplinarian, the mean mommy, the pragmatic downer — all versions of a feminized role that she, and many, many women, have long found it incredibly difficult to escape.

Recall the days following the 2008 Iowa caucus, when the media took advantage of Clinton’s defeat to let loose with their resentment and animosity toward her. That was when conservative Mark Rudov told Fox News that Clinton lost because “When Barack Obama speaks, men hear ‘Take off for the future!’ When Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear ‘Take out the garbage!’” It was in the days after Iowa that Clinton got asked infamously about how voters believed her to be “the most experienced and the most electable” candidate but “are hesitating on the likeability issue.” In late January, columnist Mike Barnicle told a laughing all-male panel on Morning Joe that Clinton’s challenge was that she looks “like everyone’s first wife standing outside of probate court.”

What was true in ’08 remains true this year.

Brian Beutler says the Republican Establishment is still on the ropes:

The GOP now falls back on its hope that Rubio can convert his third-place performance in Iowa to a leap into second place in New Hampshire next week, and, eventually, to outright victory in some future primary.

But that won’t happen unless Cruz inexplicably fails to capitalize on his come-from-behind Iowa victory, and Trump somehow collapses after a perfectly respectable second-place finish there. Until then, everything we’ve seen for months suggests Republican voters want to deny the Republican establishment a victory. That’s exactly what they did in Iowa, and they did it because the establishment decided, through years and years of fecklessness, to let them.

Matthew Yglesias says Cruz is even less electable in a general than Trump. That’s true. Indeed, as Jason330 often say, with Trump, we had to be careful what we wished for because he, and I, could see Trump winning in certain scenarios. With Cruz, those certain scenarios fall to maybe 1.

People know that Cruz is extreme. But few people fully recognize exactly how unpopular the Cruz policy agenda is likely to be once it is exposed to the light of day.

In an era when no politician of either party wants to cut retirement benefits for current seniors or raise taxes on the middle class, Cruz has quietly stumbled into proposing a gigantic tax increase on middle-class retirees. The media hasn’t noticed yet, and liberal groups don’t seem all that eager to point it out — perhaps because they’re hoping to save their ammunition until after Cruz is actually the nominee. Cruz’s appeal is rooted in his deep understanding of the GOP base and sophisticated grasp of the modern media landscape. But he’s never run in a meaningfully contested general election of any kind, and trying to do so on an anti–middle class, anti-elderly policy agenda is extraordinarily unlikely to succeed. […]

A year ago, the fundamentally unelectable nature of Cruz was well-understood, and it was universally believed that for that reason the Republican establishment would never let him win. Trump’s rapid rise and astonishing resilience have called into question the establishment’s ability to actually control events. But Trump has also created a gravitational distortion in how we view the candidates. Cruz’s résumé — which includes winning an actual Senate election, plus experience in jobs in the federal judiciary and state government — looks downright conventional by comparison.

But conventional isn’t the same as electable by any means. Trump’s actual policy positions are generally more moderate than Cruz’s, and his support within the GOP primary electorate does not look particularly ideological. Trump as nominee would certainly be a risky (and probably disastrous) leap into the unknown. But Cruz as nominee would be a leap into something we’ve actually seen quite clearly before in 1964 and 1972 — a factional candidacy by a senator from the fringe of his own party caucus who gets drubbed on Election Day.

Concord Monitor: “If the Iowa entrance surveys are any indication, Trump could face trouble in the Granite State.”

“While the Republican businessman cleaned up with Iowa voters who made up their minds more than a month ago, first-place finisher Cruz and third-place finisher Marco Rubio beat him among caucus-goers who made up their mind within a week of the election.”

“Hillary Clinton is dispatching at least 150 people from her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn Heights to New Hampshire for an all-hands-on-deck effort here in advance of the Democratic primary on Tuesday,” BuzzFeed reports.

Politico: “The feeling at Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters these days isn’t about pulling off an upset — it’s about closing the gap, and halting Sanders’ momentum by denying him an easy win in a state that should be a cakewalk. In some respects New Hampshire is the only state where Team Clinton can flip the inevitability script — with Sanders positioned as the favorite with lots to lose.”

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