Fundraising Totals

Filed in National by on February 8, 2016

The news regarding fundraising for the various federal and statewide offices has trickled out over the past month, and I decided to put together one post where we can find that information and see the schedule of upcoming campaign finance reports.

For Federal offices in campaign years, the reporting periods and deadlines are as follows (the shaded boxes indicate reports that have been filed and deadlines past):


For State offices in campaign years, the report periods and deadlines are as follows:


Here are the totals, based on the most recent filed reports. If a “n/a” appears, that candidate has not filed a report that we can find.






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  1. Jason330 says:

    You rock dude.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    If I could offer a suggestion, using a fixed width font for the numbers might be better. You have to look VERY closely to the LG race to see who is ahead.

  3. pandora says:

    What the hell is Mike Purzycki spending money on? That number is nuts.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Thanks, LG. Will do next time.

  5. Anon says:

    @pandora: looks like rent for office space. Could be wrong but looks like his treasurer input the 50k loan payment wrong since there’s an outstanding balance and the payment is listed under expenditures.

  6. Yep, office space. And a paid spokesperson Hey, if you’re not really gonna go out and campaign, you might as well be comfortable. And your canned words might as well sound good.

    I don’t realistically see how he can win. Wasted money is almost always a sign of an ill-conceived candidacy.