Last Night’s Democratic Debate & Ezra Temko’s complete play by play

Filed in National by on February 12, 2016

Did you watch? I did, and I thought both candidates did well. There wasn’t a knock out punch on either side, but there were some hits.

Who do you think won?

Here is Ezra’s complete play by play:

PBS +2 two women, one a POC, moderating debate
BERN +1 – starts off with an advantage due to NH big win
HRC +1 – better handshake with moderators

Opening Statement
BERN -1 – opening statement: leaning with hands on the podium
BERN +1 – mentions Trump, is going after leading R rather than other D
HRC +1 wearing yellow, I’d like to see BERN try that
HRC +1 and -1 admits economy is rigged, but is using BERN’s frame
HRC +1 opening statement did not involve stumbling or pauses like BERN’s, and nods were more controlled than in the past
PBS -1 commercial right after opening statements!?

Health Care
BERN +1 first question = lays out specific ambitious useful ideas
BERN +1 defends role of government
HRC -1 Goes right on attack, essentially calls BERN a liar, which is not going to work for her. People trust him more than her.
HRC -1 again letting BERN frame debate, sharing again how she agrees with him, pivoting to wonk.
HRC -1 critique of BERN’s health care plan is not useful for if BERN wins primary, feeds right into commercial for the Rs
HRC+1 BERN says we need courage to take on drug companies, HRC responds that she’s been in the trenches

Size of Govt. or something
HRC -1 Great to try to frame your attacks as being about vetting candidates and plans, but having concrete and detailed plans does not equal a campaign message of hope.
HRC -2 Sick of hearing the “make promises we can’t keep” line. Turns me off each time.
HRC +1 uses term “political capital”
BERN -1 “You’re not in the White House yet” – this seemed awkward for you to say
BERN +2 of course we need to end tax haven deferral. That’s much more concrete than HRC saying we’ll close loopholes. Which loopholes? Names Financial Transaction Tax as well. These are pretty concrete proposals.
HRC +1 uses term “political capital” Yes to sociology terms

Feminism, Women, Gender Equality
HRC +1 Humble answer about women supporting BERN
HRC +1 Didn’t take the bait on Madeleine Albright, did good job with ARM: Address, Respond, Technique
PBS -1 HRC mentions first primary debate of 200+ with majority women on stage, moderators don’t even smile
BERN -1 ‪#‎WomensLivesMatter‬, yet opens his answer talking about lots of different social identities
BERN -1 Uses 79 cents on dollar for gender pay gap without mentioning interesctionality
BERN +1 A Sanders victory would be historic
HRC -1 Yes, you’re not asking people to support you to get a woman in the White House, but it’s not just about you. Why don’t we have candidates over half the time that are women that folks like better? That’s sexism.
HRC +3 Yes, HRC would be the first woman president, and no she’s not anti-woman. That deserves a few points.
BERN +1 Yes, BERN would be the first Jewish president. But us Jews are 2% of the U.S., and women are half of the U.S., so only one point in comparison.

BERN -1 +1 uses word gall, but again attacking Republicans and uniting BERN & HRC. When he does this it makes it look like he is a Democrat and leader. When HRC does it it looks like she is just BERN-lite

Racism & Criminal Justice Reform
BERN +2 calls mass incarceration of black men a tragedy, uses moral language and speaks from values
BERN -1 debate is well underway and there hasn’t been much positivity yet from BERN +1 names some race stats that makes him seem knowledgeable

HRC +1 seems annoyed, yes she was talking about this before BERN’s campaign took off, and yet people think she’s against all of it. ‪#‎BlameBill‬
HRC +1 tries to take it to a personal story and get away from wonk
HRC +2 names racism as systemic
HRC +1 shows intersectionality of issues
BERN -1 “Nothing that Hillary Clinton said do I disagree with” Still with the negative framing…

Race Relations
HRC +1 knows people have mobiles
HRC +1 -1 very articulate and composed, but people want to see her not just as a fighter but as a relaxed person beyond the political presentation. Authenticity
BERN-1 I think he could have a better suit…
BERN-1 Racism is not just about classism. So okay, but go further…
Bern-1 Why did you repeat “white people?” Why is that surprising that we should talk about white people?

PBS -2 “Don’t they have a reason to be resentful?” What kind of question is that?!
HRC+1 Good response, though then she got wonky, but even that corresponded really well with the sociology book we read last week in social stratification

BERN -2 PBS “Am I wrong, to be even be describing this as a matter of race?” “Yeah, you can.” She doesn’t need your permission!

BERN +1 -1 Detailed response that showed he knew stuff about what he was talking about, but don’t look down as you deliver your final words in a response. It makes them lose their power.

BERN +1 For immigration reform, being explicit about rooting values in being pro-family
HRC +1 Finally pointed out a useful contrast, voting for comprehensive immigration reform in contrast to BERN
BERN +1 Defended his vote well, positioned himself well with labor and racial justice groups
HRC -1 Glad to hear you say you are against private prisons, but you are staying policy detail/wonky

HRC +1 She seems confident and positive, despite the NH loss.
BERN +1 Is probably thankful this is still focused solely on domestic issues! Social security is one of his bread and butter issues.
BERN -1 Looks sad a few seconds after saying “That’s my bill” – probably because most of his bills go nowhere in Senate

HRC Corruption/Establishment
HRC -1 Does not address question about big contributors and power. Basically complete dodge.
BERN -1 “the only candidate up here, of the many candidates”
BERN -1 It sells, but I think it is dishonest to compare your low-donors to HRC’s high-donors. How about compare your low-donors to HRC’s low-donors?
HRC +1 Yes, apples and oranges. Though could explain what she meant.

HRC +1 Good speech about Obama, but still dodging issue
BERN -1 No poker face on his feelings about Obama and Wall Street reform
BERN -1 HRC doing well on talking about comprehensive approach to deal with risk – Bernie waving arms, coughing, sticking out tongue, etc.
BERN -1 & HRC -1 Okay, you’ve been talking about banks, but what are you gonna do about corporations like Walmart and Monsanto?

PBS +1 Giving space to the candidates to speak
PBS -1 Really? Recapping debate in middle of debate that we’ve already been watching?
PBS -1 Telling us what to think in the middle of the debate…

Reduce Govt.?
BERN +1 Good answer re: waste and efficiency, though you could name something specific…
HRC +1 Like the idea of confident in govt and taking a public management eye to govt in one sense

Foreign policy
HRC +1 Just as detailed and confident in IR, almost looks like she’s trying to set BERN up for not being able to address
HRC & BERN -1 For calling ISIS ISIS rather than Daesh
HRC +1 ‪#‎Allyship‬ ‪#‎EndIslamaphobia‬ ‪#‎TrumpSucks‬
BERN -1 using “his or her” binary
BERN -1 sounds knowledgable and prepared, but not answering the question at hand
BERN +1 Ouch, attacks HRC indirectly, blaming her for ISIS
BERN -1 “men and women” binary
BERN -1 / +1 Funny faces and waving finger etc. Looking all around, not sure what to do with what HRC is saying about his past votes.
HRC +1 Discounts BERN’s Iraq vote as not being enough to answer what to do now about ISIS and today’s challenges, which he didn’t really answer – he gave a historical account
HRC +1 Lovin’ on Obama, and Obama’s love for her
BERN -1 Judgment swipe seemed a bit personal based on set-up
BERN -1 When would you support regime change? E.g. WW II
BERN -1 Stop waving your finger around, keep your head still a little longer
HRC +1 Gets a point for remembering and honoring the military folks who are actually on the front lines
BERN +1 Calls HRC’s book a “very good book”
BERN -1 Is he still speaking to Millenials when talking about Henry Kissinwho?
HRC +2 Enjoyed the attack – waiting to hear who you DO listen to on foreign policy…
BERN -1 What are you doing with your hands? And smiles.
HRC +1 In control of debate. Talks when she wants how long she wants
HRC & BERN +1 taking turns and in a way listening to each other

HRC & BERN +5 Nothing right now in the debate about this, but both running as Democrats and so much better than all the Rs. Some free points.

BERN -1 So what are you doing about Russia? PBS gave you a multiple choice leading question and I heard work with them and protest against aggression, but how?
BERN +1 Doing much better on foreign policy than in past debates
HRC -1 Still seems smart, but I’m not convinced the wonk is going to rally folks out and excite them to vote for HRC

PBS -1 Getting bored and/or tired

BERN +1 called U.S. beacon of hope for oppressed and downtrodden, good to hear U.S.-positive message from BERN. Should hear more of this for broader appeal

PBS -1 I don’t like Robert Andrews answer
BERN -1 Holding up FDR without mentioning things like Japanese internment.
HRC -1 Also mentions FDR without Japanese internment
HRC +1 not spending time on a useless question
HRC -1 Going on attack here at the end. People seem to respond well to this re: President Obama.
HRC ??? “I expect this from Republicans, not from…”
BERN +1 Defended himself and made attack seem trivial
HRC +1 Responded well, renamed specific complaints – e.g. “weak” “personal assessments” etc.
HRC -1 waited to make attack until very very end of debate when there wasn’t time to discuss it
BERN -1 “One of us ran against Obama”
BERN -1 A lot of interesting issues came up in this debate.
PBS -2 Did they still not talk about climate change? What about the recent Supreme Court ruling?
HRC +1 good positioning self as a comprehensive candidate
HRC -1 still not a comprehensive message, but a list of policies.
HRC +1 names systems of oppression, brings it home and local attacking WI governor.
HRC +1 “Giving a chance, tearing down barriers to people living up to their potential” – finally shares some message
HRC -1 if this is her closing message, it should be incorporated throughout the debate
HRC +1 Did not let Bernie frame entire debate
BERN +2 Don’t think most of his supporters are going to change their mind based on the debate


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (6)

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  1. puck says:

    I think Bernie lost an opportunity to educate voters about his vote on the immigration bill. He pointed out it was opposed by the AFL-CIO, but he should have further taken credit for standing with working Americans.

    Personally I think No was the progressive vote because illegal immigration displaces American workers and drives down pay across the board. But that’s just me.

    Hillary scored some points by name-checking Ted Kennedy, but Bernie should have reminded the audience it was the “McCain-Kennedy” bill. I don’t remember the specifics but “bi-partisan” for immigration usually means it is larded up with higher quotas on high-paid workers.

  2. jason330 says:

    @Pandora – I put Ezra’s here so we didn’t have three debate threads at once. I hope that’s okay. And I hope some industrious DL reader adds up the +1s and -1s.

  3. pandora says:

    That’s fine, Jason!

  4. Geezer says:

    I hate it when Grandma and Grandpa fight.

  5. mouse says:

    Are super delicates added in that scoring?

  6. cassandra_m says:

    This is the first debate I’ve had a chance to listen to beginning to end and that was because this one was also broadcast live on NPR. So I only heard this — no visuals whatsoever.

    First up, kudos to a fairly substantive debate. I’m delighted that the D candidates are actually making a pitch to govern as their priority, rather than the extended audition for some horrific reality TV show the Rs are running.

    Two, Hillary sounded fantastic. Relaxed, in command of her issues and ideas, graceful. Someone is coaching her on the No Drama Obama method. Bernie did have a bit of a broken record feel about his performance but I wouldn’t grade it as Rubio level. I suspect that his campaign hasn’t caught up to the evolution in messaging that has to happen. They need to step it up.

    Third, Bernie sounded like he usually does, except perhaps he was fighting a cold or something. But just listening — crotchety and mad wasn’t as compelling as relaxed and fluid (HRC).

    Fourth, it sounded as though there were more Hillary supporters in the room, which surprised me since I think Bernie leads her in the current Wisconsin polling.