Delaware, and other small states, are the KEY to Bernie’s Success

Filed in National by on February 18, 2016

Ed Note: this came in over the transom. The long and short of it is that there is a Bernie Sanders Super Tuesday strategy event this Saturday in Newark. (Newark Kempo Karate @ 120 Peoples Plaza, Newark De 19702. To RSVP: Click here:

Delaware is a small state, with not a lot of delegates to contribute, and we are very late in the primary process. These facts contribute to the idea that is echoing through the halls of our campuses that we “don’t really matter.” This however is overlooking the entire concept of what the Sanders campaign is all about, and how they have come so far in the past six months on a national level. This idea misses the whole reason that his voice has become the voice of the average working American citizen.
Small states, and late primary states have played, and will continue to play, a vital role in the Sanders campaign spreading the message in all the states that come before us. When Bernie does well in each primary it trickles down to the state that comes next, and the states that are still weeks away from their primaries. To see this effect one only has to look at the polling across the country, every time Bernie does well in a primary his poll number sky-rocket because more people in the next state go look for answers and hear his message. So what Bernie really needs is for more people to know what he stands for in the states with upcoming primary election dates so he does well in each of them. Up until this point we have only had to focus our energy on one state at a time, but that luxury is coming to an end. In the coming weeks we are going to need an army of volunteers all over the country to get out and hit the streets in the states of Super Tuesday. Though not all of us are able to uproot our lives and travel to far away places to help “Get out the vote.” Luckily there are many other things that need to be done before these people hit the streets so that the Sanders Army are able to do what they have to do.
So what if I told you that you didn’t even have to leave your house and you could still be a part of that army? What if I told you that the biggest thing you could do for the Sanders campaign can be done right from the comfort of your own home, or at your neighbor’s house down the street? Delaware, and small states like Delaware, are in a unique position to help the Sanders army get the vote out in a way that larger states are just not able to do. If you want to know how you can help Bernie win the primary in states during Super Tuesday while remaining in Delaware please come out to our event on Saturday in Newark. We will catch everyone up on where we are nationally and what we need to do to win the states of Super Tuesday! It’s a 90 min event, so it wont take long, and afterwards you will know what we have the unique opportunity to do to make sure that Bernie pulls out a huge win over the next couple weeks. Bernie cannot do it alone; he needs our help! The event is going to be held at Newark Kempo Karate @ 120 Peoples Plaza, Newark De 19702. Please click here to RSVP.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Did he get on the ballot? I think the deadline is this week and his campaign was still collecting signatures.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    They filed 1,200 signatures; 500 needed. Filed today.