Who are Delaware Superdelegates?

Filed in National by on February 23, 2016

Vox has a nice chart and list of all the Democratic Party’s superdelegates. The point of this post is not for Sanders’ supporters to harass these people, or to suggest that superdelegates are a problem. As we saw in 2008, superdelegates all eventually went along with the pledged delegate leader (Obama), including Hillary herself (who as a Senator was also a superdelegate). But I thought it would be neat to know who they are.

Click through on the Vox link above to play with their interactive chart and list to see who the superdelegates are by state and position. Here are Delaware’s:


As you can see, Vice President Joe Biden, Governor Jack Markell, Congressman John Carney, Senators Chris Coons and Tom Carper are all the elected Superdelegates that you expect. Then you have DNC members. There are 20 different ways in which you can be a member of the DNC, listed in Article III, Section 2 of the DNC Charter. You are a DNC Member if you are the Chairperson of the State Party and the highest ranking member of the opposite sex of the State Party. So that explains why John Daniello and Lisa Goodman are there. Daneillo is the Party Chairman and Goodman is the highest ranking woman in the state party leadership, as one of the two State Party Vice-Chairs. The Charter also stipulates that each state also gets two additional members to be chosen by the State Party, and so that explains former Speaker Robert Gilligan and Karen Kirkpatrick-Valentine. State Representative Valerie Longhurst is also a superdelegate due to her work on the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

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