Heil Hitler.

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016


Donald Trump made members of a Florida crowd raise their right hands and salute in a show of loyalty to him, the Washington Post reports.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    Complimentary goose-stepping lessons to be featured at Trump rallies going forward.

  2. Mikem2784 says:

    What the bloody fucking hell??!! These people had to have realized….and that makes it worse.

  3. Dave says:

    The protestors aren’t helping matters. They become part of the show as Trump identifies them and the audience removes them. Trump loves the protestors and they continue to unintentionally support him. Not very smart.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Real question is did they shout Zeig Heil or Hail Satan?

  5. cassandra m says:

    The protesters have been a reliable marker of the path to goosestepping that is the Trump campaign. And while I have no doubt that this reminder is of no concern to you — there are plenty of us who can see that the country they want back is the one where they can remove black and brown people at will and by force.

  6. Dave says:

    Isn’t the point of protesting to get attention? Watch closely, no one sees them or hears them until Trump points them out and even then you have no idea what they are protesting about. The protesters are fodder for Trump and the mob. If you see some value in their efforts good for you. I don’t. Trump plays them and in their idealistic naiveté they believe they are making some sort of statement which is lost in the spectacle.

  7. pandora says:

    Are you kidding, Dave? The protesters are the ones demonstrating that Trump is far, far more than rhetoric. And just because you haven’t bothered to find out what they are protesting doesn’t mean the rest of us haven’t paid attention – but not paying attention and your not seeing value might have more to do with where you’re sitting and how someone like Trump wouldn’t really impact your life on a personal level. You don’t “get” what the protesters are doing. Fine, but I’d say that has more to do with you, and your life experience, than with the protesters’ actions.

    And if what you’ve said is true – that you don’t want Trump as President – then you should be applauding the people doing the heavy lifting to demonstrate how god awful he really is.

  8. cassandra m says:

    If you see some value in their efforts good for you. I don’t.

    Of course you don’t. Why would you? The effort of people to point out the destructive racism being popularized and normalized has a long history of being dismissed by the exact people who would really rather these people not exercise their constitutional rights to point that out.

  9. Dave says:

    “Are you kidding, Dave?”

    No. If you cannot the see the benefit the protestors are providing to Trump and how he is using them, very effectively, to rile up the mob at his rallies then I guess we’ll just have to disagree.

    “Of course you don’t. Why would you? ”

    Because no one can LITERALLY see or hear them at his rallies. Or haven’t you noticed how they are being used by Trump, who welcomes them in, so he can throw them out. Please tell me you at least notice that much. The cameras are not on the protesters, they are on Trump. Have you seen any signs? Would you even know what they are protesting if you were at the rally? All the crowd knows is that Trump points out someone and says “Get ’em out.” No one even knows who they are or what they are doing. Sheesh! The protesters are patsies. I don’t even know what to say to you if you can’t see that.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Um, no.

    Bester: Well, I think we kind of made ourselves obvious from the beginning, because when Trump came out everyone stood up, they gave him a standing ovation, and there was a lot of cheering and all that. We just stayed in our seats and were silent. But we decided to stick to our 30-minute plan. But I think, between that and all of the reporters that had come over to ask us questions before the rally began, that the Secret Service [Bester used the term Secret Service although the agency has denied that their officers remove protesters from campaign events] had noticed us. And at that point, one of the officers, he came over and stood at the end of one of the rows where we were sitting. He was really watching us. And so we started texting back and forth with each other. I told some people, “Let’s practice patience here. Otherwise this will be a wasted opportunity.”

    But really, almost as soon as Trump got started, he was having protesters booted left and right. The thing was at right about the half-hour mark when he asked one of the protesters if she is Mexican, or from Mexico. And that was it. That was the trigger. We just stood up and started with the first chant we had discussed.

    You know that there are protesters not because there is some secret visibility that Trump has, it is because his audience can indeed see them and are waiting for him to teach these darkies a lesson. The effort to publicly force them out has no meaning unless people know they are there. Besides, these plenty of media footage of these protesters and you tube footage with despicable comments. But I think you meant to say that these protesters are invisible to you and by golly, they need to stay invisible.

  11. Dave says:

    “I think you meant to say that these protesters are invisible to you and by golly, they need to stay invisible.”

    You know full well that is not what I meant. That remark is uncalled for, but not unexpected from you.

    As for your link. – a protester doesn’t feel like a patsy. Ergo he must not be one. Ok. You win.

  12. kavips says:

    If I were Trump’s campaign chair, I would have them fist pump the air in support of him and call it the Trump Pump…

  13. Go Joe says:

    So sad, that you even make this comparison!!