Delaware Liberal

DL GOP Fantasy Pool Update – Dr. Ben Carson Flatlines

By now everyone has seen this viral video of Ben Carson toppling out of the back of the GOP clown car and wondering around dazed on a highway for a few minutes, right?

He is a little dusty, but seems no the worse for his wild ride to the top of the wingnut charts, then back down again. His checking account sure looks healthy.

But what does this mean for the DL Fantasy Pool? Not much. Newton and I had Carson, so it changes nothing in terms of the overall standings.  It is all about Cruz vs. Rubio.   I need Cruz to stay in 49 days longer that Rubes. Otherwise the good Prof takes home the bragging rights.  [With Rube’s shit-ass performance of late, I actually like my chances.]

Here are the revised standings.

Newton: Santorum (267),Paul (330), Carson (333) Rubio (355)  | 1,285
Jason330: Huckabee (300), Christie (228), Carson (355), Cruz (376), | 1,237
Pandora: Walker (70), Paul (330), Santorum (267), Rubio (355)| 1,032
Prop Joe: Jindahl (151), Walker (70), Perry (102), Cruz (376) | 699

Del Dem: Huckabee (300), Graham (209), Christie (228),Bush (257)| 1004
AQC: Ehrlich (0), Jindal (151), Fiorina (310), Bush (257), | 728

Here are the Candidates with points:

Cruz – 376 points (March 23rd)
Rubio – 355 points (April 13th)

Carson – 333 points (May 4th – March 4th)
Bush – 257 points (June 15th – Feb 20)
Paul – 330 points (April 7th – Feb 3rd)
Fiorina – 310 points (May 4th – Feb 10)
Huckbee – 300 points (May 5th – Feb 1)
Santorum – 267 points (May 27th – Feb 3rd)
Christie – 228 points (June 30th – Feb 10th)
Graham – 209 Points (June 1- Dec 21st)
Jindahl – 151 points (June 24th-Nov 17)
Perry – 102 point (June 4th- Sept 12th)
Walker – 70 points(July 13th-Sept 21)
Ehrlich (never) 0 points



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