Delaware Liberal

Jason330 Solves the World’s Problems – Episode #675

How can President Obama appoint a Supreme Court Justice and finish off the Republican Party, tearing out their lungs street fighter style?

Easy. Register as a Republican. GOP Senators are openly saying that they’d confirm a pick at this point in the term of the Republican President, so call them on it. It would lay the coup de grâce on that punch-drunk staggering waste of space called the GOP and flip the court in the direction of sanity as if by magic. Of course, Obama would have to live and socialize among the worst bottom feeding drecks of humanity, but look at the payoff? Doesn’t he love America? This is his opportunity to show it.

During a Thursday morning radio interview, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) candidly explained that Senate Republicans would take a different approach to a Supreme Court nominee if a Republican president were in office and replacing a conservative justice.

“It’s a different situation,” Johnson said.

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