Delaware Liberal

July 4th 2016… Can we make it a big celebration of American Unity?

[Editor’s Note: I floated this idea on my FB page last night.  I grant that is it naive, so it is abundantly trollable.  But my question is an honest one.  How do we respond to Trump and the rising tide of hatred and animosity he is provoking? Of course, the best response is to vote this crap down in November. But in the meantime, I think we need a little something.]

I’ve been wrestling with what I could do to register opposition to Trump and his divisive politics.    I’m not big on confrontational protesting, so I think I’d love to see us make July 4th a celebration of American Unity.

Nothing fancy.  Throw some beers and soft drinks in a cooler and just party with our fellow Americans.  In backyards across the country. All races. All religions. All gender identities.  Hell…even all political inclinations (other than fascist).  We are all Americans.  I think the haters hate it when we hang out and talk and laugh and just have fun together. That’s the best answer to Trumpism that I can think of.

July 4th…E Pluribus Unum Everybody!! Suck it haters.



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