Delaware Liberal

Chris Matthews speaking direcly to John Carney’s Democratic Party Last Night

When people act like MSNBC is some kind of liberal version of Fox News I want to throw up. Does Fox News have a morning show hosted by some liberal shill for Bernie Sanders in the same way MSNBC has a morning show hosted by a conservative who doesn’t even try to disguise his love and admiration for Donald Trump? Of course not. Does Fox News have its own version of Chris Matthews, a man who said that Hillary Clinton should pick John Kasich to be her running mate….?

This is what Chris Matthews sounds like after he’s been huffing way too much of that Tip and the Gipper, bipartisan, magical fairy dust during MSNBC’s Super Tuesday election coverage.

Apparently Matthews think the potential Democratic nominee for president of the United States needs to pick an anti-choice, anti-labor, trickle-down, gives tax cuts to the rich on the backs of the working class, former Lehman Brothers executive as a running mate in order to get elected.

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