Delaware Liberal

Don’t wish on that monkey’s paw – or – How Jeb! let Trump be the nominee

There is a lot of dumb head-scratching on the right about how Trump became the nominee. Most pundits are saying that the non-Trump opponents in the race “started too late” because they “didn’t take Trump seriously.”

That is right, in part. What is leaves out is that the “establishment” opposition to Trump started late because they thought Trump was bad news for Cruz. Bad news for Cruz, they wrongly figured, was good news for Jeb!. So if you look back at the Iowa caucus coverage, the “establishment” was actually trying to help Trump in order to blunt Ted Cruz’ ability to build up momentum. Also, as Pandora pointed out in another thread, the GOP message for the past 20 years is essentially the Trump message, so what exactly were they going to attack anyway?

What’s my point? It is simply that there is no upside to allowing Trump to get away with ANY of the bullshit that he has been pulling throughout the primaries. It is going to be exhausting, but the Democrats need to pounce on every statement, never laugh off any outrage and demand that trump is held to account for every lie, and obfuscation.

As Democrats we have a tragic flaw. It is thinking that “the truth will out.” Children of the enlightenment, we think man is essentially a rational being and therefor the truth has a special ability to work its way to the surface of public discourse. Let’s face it. That is bullshit. The other shoe will not drop on is own account. The other shoe must be made to drop.

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