Delaware Liberal

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 17, 2016

A minimally-embellished, if excessively-hyphenated,  just-the-facts edition today.

Tuesday’s Session Activity Report-Click on 3-15.

Wednesday’s Session Activity Report-Click on 3-16.

Stuff worth knowing:

The proposed constitutional amendment mandating that $10 mill must go to Agriculture Lands Preservation annually did not come close to a 2/3 majority in the House.  20 Y, 17 N, 4 A. The only upstate D’s to vote for the bill were Gerald Brady (?) and…Bryon Short (!).  Oh, did I mention that there are 8,000 Delaware Farm Bureau members? A cheap (it wasn’t going to pass with or without his vote), politically expedient, and intellectually dishonest vote by the least progressive D candidate for Congress in Delaware.

Guess there was no controversy surrounding SB 202 (Sokola) after all. Mitch Crane was right, the bill merely reflects the self-insured nature of the state and its school buses in this matter. Bill passed unanimously in Senate.

Today’s Senate Agenda

Today’s House Agenda.

Stuff worth knowing:

Will there be any no votes on SB 203 (McBride)? I’m guessing yes, but am prepared to be pleasantly surprised. The bill ‘restores the authority of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (Department) to assess criminal penalties against violators of the Wetlands Act and Subaqueous Lands Act (Acts), when appropriate.’  This authority was inadvertently repealed back in 2013.  How can such authority be inadvertently repealed in the first place? Don’t they have lawyers to make sure that stuff like this doesn’t happen?  The mind boggles.  BTW, it’s a 2/3 bill, so we’ll see if there’s any Rethug obstructionism involved.

Only one bill of importance on the House Agenda.  If you guessed SB 200 (Blevins), you’d be correct.  The latest in the series of corporate giveaways will be on the Governor’s desk by day’s end.


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