Delaware Liberal


GOP Chair Call On Candidates To Court DE Primary Voters

Newark, DE — The Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party today called on the three remaining GOP candidates for President to visit the State and court primary voters in advance of the April 26th Primary Election.

“I have said for months that Delaware’s Presidential Primary will be relevant in 2016, and I expect each of the candidates to spend time with First State Republicans asking for their vote,” said Copeland.

Delaware’s April 26th Presidential Primary Election is considered late in the primary season, and falls on the same day as delegate rich Pennsylvania (71 delegates), Maryland (38 delegates), and Connecticut (28 delegates). Yet, the 2016 fractured Primary places a premium on every delegate to the July National Convention in Cleveland.

Delaware Republican Party rules bind National Convention delegates to the winner of the April 26th Primary Election on the first ballot. Should the nominating process go beyond a first ballot, each of Delaware’s 16 delegates would be free to support other candidates.

“Every delegate is going to count as we move closer to Cleveland,” said Copeland. “Any candidate who wants the support of Delaware’s delegates needs to win the Primary, and the only way to accomplish that is to visit the State and directly ask for support,” continued Copeland.

Delaware Republicans will finalize their slate of Delegates to the National Convention when they meet for their State Convention on April 29-30 in Dewey Beach.

I’m not sure if this figures into the thinking of the campaign managers for Trump, Kasich and Cruz, but coming to Delaware is like being on the receiving end of Vance Phillip’s (now defunct) Watermelon of Doom!! ™.

Just ask Steve Forbes and Mitt Romney.

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