Archive for March, 2016

Thursday Open Thread [3.17.16]

Filed in National by on March 17, 2016 10 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.17.16]

A Washington Post editorial calls on the Republican party to aim for a contested convention in order to stop Donald Trump.

“We do not take this position because we believe Mr. Trump is perilously wrong on the issues, although he is… No, Mr. Trump must be stopped because he presents a threat to American democracy. Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes.”

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Monsanto’s DARK Act Defeated in Senate – Only 2 Dems voting with Monsanto and against thier constituents

Filed in National by on March 17, 2016 25 Comments
Monsanto’s DARK Act Defeated in Senate – Only 2 Dems voting with Monsanto and against thier constituents

One of the Dems voting with Monsanto was Joe Donnelly (D-IN), can you guess the other?

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 17, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 17, 2016 6 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 17, 2016

The proposed constitutional amendment mandating that $10 mill must go to Agriculture Lands Preservation annually did not come close to a 2/3 majority in the House.  20 Y, 17 N, 4 A. The only upstate D’s to vote for the bill were Gerald Brady (?) and…Bryon Short (!).  Oh, did I mention that there are 8,000 Delaware Farm Bureau members? A cheap (it wasn’t going to pass with or without his vote), politically expedient, and intellectually dishonest vote by the least progressive D candidate for Congress in Delaware.

Guess there was no controversy surrounding SB 202 (Sokola) after all. Mitch Crane was right, the bill merely reflects the self-insured nature of the state and its school buses in this matter. Bill passed unanimously in Senate.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.17.16]

Filed in National by on March 17, 2016 0 Comments

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Ted Cruz’ Christian Glam Metal Past

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 5 Comments
Ted Cruz’ Christian Glam Metal Past

I’ve never seen them appear together. He should totally don the Stryper outfit while campaigning.

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Don’t wish on that monkey’s paw – or – How Jeb! let Trump be the nominee

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 6 Comments
Don’t wish on that monkey’s paw – or – How Jeb! let Trump be the nominee

There is a lot of dumb head-scratching on the right about how Trump became the nominee. Most pundits are saying that the non-Trump opponents in the race “started too late” because they “didn’t take Trump seriously.” That is right, in part. What is leaves out is that the “establishment” opposition to Trump started late because […]

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President Obama nominates Merrick Garland to be Associate Justice

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 17 Comments
President Obama nominates Merrick Garland to be Associate Justice

This is something of an upset, since Sri Srinivasan was the heavy favorite. There is a theory why….

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Chris Matthews speaking direcly to John Carney’s Democratic Party Last Night

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 3 Comments
Chris Matthews speaking direcly to John Carney’s Democratic Party Last Night

When people act like MSNBC is some kind of liberal version of Fox News I want to throw up. Does Fox News have a morning show hosted by some liberal shill for Bernie Sanders in the same way MSNBC has a morning show hosted by a conservative who doesn’t even try to disguise his love and admiration for Donald Trump? Of course not. Does Fox News have its own version of Chris Matthews, a man who said that Hillary Clinton should pick John Kasich to be her running mate….?

This is what Chris Matthews sounds like after he’s been huffing way too much of that Tip and the Gipper, bipartisan, magical fairy dust during MSNBC’s Super Tuesday election coverage.

Apparently Matthews think the potential Democratic nominee for president of the United States needs to pick an anti-choice, anti-labor, trickle-down, gives tax cuts to the rich on the backs of the working class, former Lehman Brothers executive as a running mate in order to get elected.

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.16.16]

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 57 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [3.16.16]

The Democratic Primary for President is over. The winner is Hillary Clinton. She will be the nominee.

Remember what I said on Sunday: “[B]est case scenario for Sanders on Tuesday: He wins Ohio, Illinois and Missouri. Those three wins, and the margins he wins them by, would give Sanders the first real momentum of this campaign, and first real panic in the Clinton camp. Worst case scenario: five losses to Clinton, which would end his campaign for the nomination. One win would keep him alive, on life support. Two wins would keep him alive as a competitive challenger, though with Clinton still in control of the race.”

So we have the worst case scenario for Sanders. I’m not going to pile on here, because I know the stages of grief a passionate supporter of a candidate goes through on days like this. I have been one, I am one, and I have been there. So take your time, BernieBros and BernieGals. There will be no demands of loyalty from me today.

And you should be proud of Bernie. You and he confounded expectations, and you took a 73 year old cranky socialist from Vermont and made him lovable, endearing, and most importantly, a credible competitor for the Democratic nomination for President. And you and he did a valuable service: you mainstreamed the left again. You made the Democratic Party proud to be liberal, by showing that’s where the votes are. So this is all great work by you.

What you, and Bernie, should do know is, yes, continue the campaign. BUT! Not for President. Sure, sure, he will still be running for President, his name will still be on the ballot, but the efforts and fundraising should be aimed towards identifying and electing and contributing to Revolution Bringers down the ballot. Bernie should travel the country in the months ahead and campaign with liberal and progressive candidates for the House, Senate and State House and Senate. He needs to take his army of passionate supporters and focus on building up the Democratic Party from the bottom up, rather than the top down. You want to make a President Hillary Clinton do what you want? Force her to by electing Revolution Bringers to Congress.

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Super Tuesday II Results

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 4 Comments

It’s over, Democrats. The Democratic Presidential Nominee is Hillary Clinton. She swept all the states, winning Florida, Ohio and North Carolina by 15-20+ points, and winning close races in Illinois and Missouri. I will have more on what this all means for Bernie, and whether he should continue his campaign (surprise, I think he should, but with some important caveats), later on this morning in the Open Thread.


Trumps wins everything but Ohio, but with Kasich winning in Ohio, it looks like a contested convention is likely for the GOP, insofar as Trump will not get the required majority of the delegates to be the presumptive nominee. Chaos in Cleveland!


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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.16.16]

Filed in National by on March 16, 2016 1 Comment

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.15.16]

Filed in National by on March 15, 2016 19 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [3.15.16]

Does the GOP Primary end tonight or is it just beginning?

“The Republican presidential campaign will not end next week, or even next month. But voters in the five states casting ballots on Tuesday will go a long way toward determining whether Donald J. Trump can win the 1,237 delegates necessary to claim the party’s nomination,” the New York Times reports.

“If Mr. Trump loses Ohio (possible) or Florida (less likely) and wins less-than-commanding victories in Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina, he would face the strong possibility of falling short of a delegate majority and entering a contested Republican convention this summer. But with victories in the home states of two of his rivals, he could end the campaigns of Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio, leaving Sen. Ted Cruz as the only candidate still standing in his way.”

I think Cruz will win Illinois and Missouri, Trump will win Florida and North Carolina, and Kasich will win Ohio. Contested open convention here we come!

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues. March 15, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 15, 2016 13 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues. March 15, 2016

This entire session has been one giveaway after another to the corporate behemoths.  Thursday’s session continued the trend with the Senate voting unanimously to fatten the corporate coffers (at the expense of the state’s coffers) by $10.6 mill by FY 2019.  Look, I understand that we don’t want to lose any more jobs, but the state has essentially become a one-trick pony in recent years.  And, for all that we’ve doled out in corporate welfare, we’ve only retained a small fraction of the jobs that once were the backbone of our economy.  And now the county is jumping on the bandwagon.  And all the public officials are praising each other for moving so swiftly to ‘save’ the paltry number of DuPont jobs that were ‘saved’.  What is lacking is the ‘vision thing’, to quote Bush the Elder. Plus, a thoughtful discussion as to whether the millions we’re tossing to the companies extorting us would be better spent elsewhere.  Thankfully, we’ve got John Carney bringing his inspiring vision to–uh, never mind.

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