Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: April 1-7, 2016

I skipped last week’s edition b/c, other than Wilmington Council At-Large Loretta Walsh filing for reelection, nothing else happened.

This week is not last week.

1. Bryon Short Drops Out of Congressional Race.

The first question is, how does this impact the race?  I, of course, don’t really know.  However, it does free up Brandywine Hundred, Short’s home turf, for the other candidates.  There are already state legislative primaries in both the 7th RD (Short’s district) and the 10th RD (where Sean Matthews once again faces Dennis Williams).  Brandywine Hundred has traditionally had fairly high voter turnouts.  In a close primary, the candidate who most effectively exploits this opportunity could find that it’s their margin of victory. The second question is, will Short seek his state rep seat?  Again, I don’t know for sure, but, if I were one of the candidates who had announced and filed and who were already running, I don’t think I’d go gently into that good night and fold. I stick by my prediction: He ends up with a lucrative position in the Carney Administration.  Chief Legislative Liaison seems about right. He’s an amiable message carrier.

2. Fallout From Latest Gordon Scandal.

That was a pretty weak non-denial denial, wasn’t it?  The person who could shed light on it refuses, claiming that it is a confidential personnel matter.   If nothing happened, if he never took those lists, then wouldn’t a simple ‘He did his job, he didn’t take the lists’ be justified?  I also love the part about how the complainant was invited to come in, but didn’t.  You live in Section 8 housing, you’re gonna head on up to Cop-land? Whole thing smells like a cover-up to me with ex-cops acting as the enforcers. Since Gordon is no stranger to ethical violations or even illegalities, and since everyone knows it, I don’t know whether it will impact him. But he clearly did a 180 on that tape when he found out who the alleged miscreant was.  Will the primordial ooze flowing through county government flush him down into one of NCC’s sewers this time?  It depends on whether his D opponent, Matthew Meyer, runs an effective and aggressive campaign. It’s also possible that if Barry Nahe, who has filed as an R for County Executive, turns out to be a non-ideological candidate running on the issues of transparency and competence, he could defeat the ethical black hole that is Gordon.  Nahe has been Chief of Building Operations and Maintenance in NCC since 2008.

As to Bethany Hall Long, I think it could damage her campaign for Lieutenant Governor. Even if it turns out that Dana Long did nothing wrong, she could unfairly wind up as collateral damage. She barely got a mulligan on the first one (the sign-stealing), but people may start seeing this as a pattern, even if there’s no pattern.   It also places John Carney in a bit of a predicament.  He’s made no secret internally that he would prefer to run on a ticket with BHL.  If he no longer prefers to, her candidacy takes a huge hit.  Does Carney want to risk having Gordon sewage all over him? I don’t think so.  BTW, let me go back to the sign-stealing thing for a moment. Long didn’t just steal signs, he was a serial sign-stealer.  Dana Long got caught b/c his opponents’ signs had gotten stolen so much that they got frustrated and essentially set him up on camera.  I fully understand that.  My signs were selectively stolen when I ran against Wayne Smith, and I fantasized about catching the thieves in the act. So, Dana Long doesn’t get a pass from me. As of now, we don’t know if Long did anything wrong and/or if BHL knew about anything he might have done wrong.  Don’t know if people are in the mood to give her the benefit of the doubt this time.

3. Maria Cabrera Is Running for Mayor…Or IS she?

I know, I know, she has said she’s running.  But as an astute observer of city politics has pointed out to us, she would have to give up her At-Large Council seat to do so.  When push comes to shove, will she follow through and file and lose her seat and the check?  Until then, file this one under ‘wait and see’. Especially with only $400 raised for her campaign.  Maybe she just wants to pull a ‘Dennis Williams’ and get some face time on a mayoral debate panel even though neither of them have filed.  BTW, the article says she “runs a marketing firm and works in the health insurance industry.”  Both at the same time?

4. Is This Gordon’s Stalking-Horse for NCC Council Prez?

David J. Roberts.  37 years in County Public Safety. 43 years with the Minquadale Volunteer Fire Department:

“Too often, New Castle County makes headlines for the wrong reasons,” Roberts said. “I hope to push out some of the negativity and provide some news we can be proud of.”

Only way to ‘push out the negativity’ is to eliminate the corruption in New Castle County government.  Can our readers help flesh out what Roberts would bring to Council?  Is he an independent voice, or yet another ‘public safety’ crony of Gordon’s?

5. Dirty Dealings in Delaware City?

If Dick Cathcart is involved, the default answer is yes.  Seems like the town’s lawyer woke up the day before the election for three city council seats was to be held, and discovered that there was an error in the legal election notice that had gone out.  Damn good lawyering there.  So, it’s been rescheduled for May 5.  On the same day that town residents are expected to vote on a referendum to help Cathcart and Val Longhurst’s dream of an ‘underwater park’ at Ft. DuPont become reality.  Otherwise known as annexation.  Nothing to see here folks.  The game is rigged everywhere, now just move on.

6. Paulette Rappa Again Challenges Ruth Briggs King.

Briggs King is perhaps second to only Rich Collins when it comes to placing the interests of developers ahead of those of Sussex County residents.  In this case, the 37th RD, which includes Georgetown and Long Neck.  Rappa lost by a 2-1 margin last time, 4173-2214.  It’s a daunting fight. 2-1 is tough to overcome  But she’s a damn good candidate and I think deserves our support. And, yes, 2014 was a horrible year to run as a D in western Sussex. And maybe we’ll have a wave of new Latino voters in the Georgetown area to vote against Trump or Cruz. Hey, I even overlooked Carney’s presence in the linked picture.  Maybe I’m capable of personal growth after all.

7.  Rep. Lyndon Yearick Gets D Opponent.

You’ll remember that Yearick ran far to the right of longtime R State Rep. Donald Blakey in 2014 and handily defeated him in the primary. He then ran up a 2-1 victory over D Ted Yacucci last time.  D David Henderson has filed to challenge Yearick this year. Let’s just check out this article in the Dover Post…

“As a retired Delaware State Police sergeant…”

Uh, never mind.  That’s an automatic disqualifier in my book.  Just what we bleeping need. Not.

8. Other Filing.

I mentioned all but Irwin Burton III, who has filed for Sussex County Council District 3 as an R.  Kevin Burdette has already filed and will face Burton, Mark Schaeffer, Frank Shade, and who knows who else in a primary. I smell shenanigans. (Do shenanigans smell?)  FWIW, all except Burdette are from Lewes, with Burdette hailing from Milton.

Deep cleansing breath.

That’s it for this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?


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