Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue – One Evening A Month

Blogger Emeritus, Liberal Geek makes a very sound point.

When Howard Dean had his moment in the sun there were people that stepped into the fray. Some of them stuck around and started blogs (DL is one), joined committees, started progressive clubs, etc. Today, there are a bunch of Deaniacs and other progressives that have roles in the Delaware Democratic party. Some are elected officials.

If Bernie Sanders makes you want to make the Democratic party more like him, you need only give one evening a month to a local committee or club. There are whole RD committees that are progressives. Some day, they might be looking for someone to run for an office, and you might be the best person for the job. In the meantime, you can chat with candidates and ask them hard questions about the economy, Social Security, criminal justice reform, whatever.

Here’s where to start:

If the only people that show up to build the party are ConservaDems, the party won’t change.

I WANT Sanders people to show up, be involved, run for office, make some noise. THAT’s how you move the needle.

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