Delaware Liberal

Joe Biden Rebukes the Athena of Incremetalism

Good old Uncle Joe keeping it real up in here.

“I like the idea of saying, ‘We can do much more,’ because we can,” Biden told The New York Times in an interview published Thursday.

Clinton, a former Obama administration official, has criticized Sanders on the trail for his bold proposals, suggesting that his policies aren’t pragmatic.

“I don’t think any Democrat’s ever won saying, ‘We can’t think that big — we ought to really downsize here because it’s not realistic,’” Biden said. “C’mon man, this is the Democratic Party! I’m not part of the party that says, ‘Well, we can’t do it.’”

Biden, who has said he and President Barack Obama do not plan to endorse in the primary, added that presidents are always told not to push anything they can’t be successful in because that would minimize their authority.

“I completely disagree with that proposition,” he said. “Everything I’ve ever cared about — with the exception of the president’s brilliant passage of the Affordable Care Act — takes time. The only way to get these big things done is talk about them.”

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