Delaware Liberal

No Apologies, No Backing Down, No Bullshit – My Bernie in Wilmington Quick Takeaways

I’m a terrible blogger. This should be a thoughtful, heavily linked think piece. Instead it is three quick bullet points and a picture that I took and am inordinately proud of.

1) The “tone”: Hillary Clinton people might take it as “combative” but it came across as matter of fact and common sense. “I have these differences with Secretary Clinton….” “Free trade” is killing us, we need living wage, the billionaire class needs to chip in, America is wealthy and can be a better place for everyone to live, climate change is real, and no regime change or wars of choice.

2) The next few months: This campaign will carry on until the last primary voter in last precinct in the last state has voted. It is called Democracy. Get over it.

3)Bernie as a Candidate: My strong sense is that Bernie would utterly destroy Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in a head to head match up. His speech wasn’t stirring in a theatrical way, but builds slowly and deliberately. From simple truth to simple truth, like “The Walton family is, by far, the largest welfare recipient in the country.” and “When we accept a half loaf, we get the crumbs.” He is no Barrack Obama, but he is also light years ahead of someone like John Kerry. There is nothing stilted of forced. He is genuine and authentic.

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