Delaware Liberal

More Proof the ‘News’-Journal Has Jumped the Shark

I can’t vouch for the tipster’s claim that two ex-sportswriters are penning the editorials, but this classic from today’s opinion page speaks for itself:

“Two years ago, Ken Simpler became the highest-ranking Republican in Gov. Jack Markell’s administration when he was elected insurance commissioner.”

Besides the fact that Insurance Commissioner is a separate office and not part of Markell’s Admininstration, and besides the fact that Simpler was elected State Treasurer instead of IC, it’s hard to argue with the facts in that sentence.

Here’s the editorial.  Please let me know if/when whoever might be there on a Sunday changes this.

BTW, there’s one more huge  journalistic disgrace that the Journal has committed, or more accurately, has failed to cover, in the last two days.  I’m giving ’em one more day to address it. If they don’t, you won’t believe what you’ll read here tomorrow. I’m serious.

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