Delaware Liberal

“Establishment” Republicans easy path into the arms of Trump

Did you notice how easy it was for Copeland to pivot from hating Trump to loving him? A while back Josh Marshall dissected the #nevertrump mindset and sketched a path by which Establishment Republicans like Charlie Copeland could come to love for Trump quickly and completely.

He began by asking about the basic policy differences someone like Copeland might have with Trump. There aren’t many because Trump is essentially a doctrinaire Republican, only more so.

So, hardline on illegal immigration? No real difference.

Hardline on terrorism, needing to say “Islamic terrorism”, creeping Sharia or any of the rest. No real difference.

Huge, huge tax cut? Same.

Obamacare terrible? Same.

Generalized opposition to ‘political correctness’? Check.

Abortion? Check.

Hating on Obama as feckless, exotic loser? Check.

If Copeland had a problem with Trump it wasn’t with Trump’s substance, it was Trump’s style, and style is easy to get over when you have a super-ordinate goal – beating Hillary Clinton.

Charlie Copeland: “We’re here to represent Republicans in Delaware, and Republicans in Delaware said, 60 percent and change, we like Donald Trump. And we get it. We’re here to beat Hillary Clintin, and we’re going to be unified to do that.”

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