Delaware Liberal

I’m Sorry

I am bombastic. I use hyperbole a lot. I am also not afraid to attack and insult others when I feel they are being insulting towards me or my candidate. I am very much a believer in politics being a two way street, meaning that if you give it you better be prepared to take it.

I’ve been told that my invective towards Bernie and his supporters in the Open Thread is perhaps impeding the healing process as we move the nomination fight to the general election. And that’s right. I was doing it in response to the invective towards Hillary and her supporters I have seen on Twitter, Facebook and here at DL, because, like I said, I give as good as I get. But, if we continue in this vein, we aren’t going to heal and be friends and allies again.

So I am going to stop. I will not be posting negatively about Bernie Sanders, his campaign or his supporters anymore. Indeed, it is likely my only posts about Bernie in the Open Thread will be about drafting the platform and his contributions to that process. And even then, I will only be posting the commentary of others rather than adding my own commentary. I will be mostly focusing on the General Election in the Open Thread from here on out.

And I would like to personally apologize to any Bernie supporter who feels or was insulted by my commentary.

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