1. Mayor Williams and Maria Cabrera Remain Non-Candidates.
This charade’s getting old. Less than 4 months before the primary, neither the councilwoman nor what passes for the incumbent mayor have filed for the office of Wilmington mayor with the Department of Elections. With Wiliams, it’s of course his typical bully-boy tactics designed to prove, what, that the rules don’t apply to him? Just what we need in a mayor. As to Cabrera, it’s becoming yet more obvious that Cassandra is right–that she’s enjoying the vanity of playing the role of a candidate when, in fact, she has no plans to ante up the bucks to run. At some point soon, she’ll likely announce that she’s running for reelection to her council seat. Williams’ disdain for the people he’s elected to serve continues unabated. For the most part, he’s avoiding candidate debates, and skipping them for phony reasons. If there were only something like four candidates in the race, he’d likely finish 4th. It’s getting close to time for candidates to look realistically at their collective situations and clear the field. Wilmington simply cannot afford 4 more years of its most incompetent mayor in history.
2. Has Anybody Seen Lisa Blunt Rochester?
No, I’m not trolling the campaign. I want to know. She seems to have been invisible. The ‘latest news’ on her website is that she has filed. On March 2nd. I know that she’s endorsed by Emily list and is, as her site proudly proclaims, a ‘Woman of Color’. Is there anything else going on there? If you’ve seen her campaigning, please tell us where. I’m serious. I mean, campaigns do matter.
3. D Primary in RD 9.
OK, kids, some of you (well, LG) will remember that this was the district that Rebecca Walker vacated after the filing deadline in 2014, meaning that the voters didn’t get to pick the D nominee. R Kevin Hensley defeated D appointee and Walker choice Jason Hortiz, a former R candidate for Clerk of the Peace, 3290-2950 in the 2014 General Election. You may also remember that, back in 2010, Walker, who had lost to Dick Cathcart back in 2008, told the RD committee that she wasn’t running. Into the breach stepped one Richard Griffiths, who was endorsed by the committee. Then Cathcart ‘retired’, after his dirty dealings at Del-State were revealed, and Walker jumped back in. She defeated Griffiths handily in the primary, 970-258, and edged out John Marino in the general, 5583-5301. Then, of course, she got a job where she can help the police cover up evidence that police might, just might, have been engaged in wrongdoing. (Have I mentioned lately just how corrupt and incestuous the politicians in this state are? Oh, and did I mention that her husband is an ex-cop?)
But, I digress. Richard Griffiths has filed to run in the 9th, and he has a primary opponent, one Monique Johns. All I’ve got for Griffiths is his 2010 announcement notice. Johns appears to be, uh, the wife (‘First Lady’) to a Bible Fellowship pastor. I know that Liberal Geek was real high on Griffiths back in 2010, can you fill us in on what’s going on, Big Guy? Can a D knock off Hensley this year?
4. Perry Mitchell, 77, to Challenge Gerald Hocker in SD 20.
At least we have a name on the ballot to challenge the Greengrocer, who is one of Delaware’s worst.
Mitchell is a former Ocean View councilman and owns a computer repair business. That’s about it.
5. More D Filings for Wilmington City Council.
Anthony Miller for District 5, and Edythe Pridgen for Council At-Large. Pridgen is a Legislative Analyst for Wilmington City Council. I’ve got nothing on Anthony Miller, and I tried. Anybody?
6. Curtains for one of Sussex County Council’s Worst?
Maybe, although not from the D side. One Lisa Hudson Briggs is challenging western Sussex councilman Sam Wilson. For an R, she seems OK. In fact, it looks like party leaders are trying to force him out. Of course, it could just be a power play by Ruth Briggs King, to whom she’s related. Did I also mention that her husband is a retired state trooper? I just did. Oy.
7. The End For Rose Izzo?
She’s no longer filed for Congress, and there isn’t even a campaign sign on her zoysia grass.
8. Filings.
State Senator David Lawson (R-SD 15). If the D’s allow him to run unopposed, it’s political malpractice. State Rep. Quin Johnson (D-8th RD). Ciro Adams, R candidate for Wilmington Council At-Large. Charles Koskey, D candidate, Sussex County Clerk of the Peace. Norman Jones, R candidate for Sussex County Clerk of the Peace. Sussex County Councilman Mike Vincent (R-CD 1).
That’s all I’ve got this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?