Poppiti Proposes Pardons Fix
Last week I divulged my one essential candidate questionnaire question: Do you think that there is a “Democratic” approach to this office?
Reading through some of the Lt. Governor candidates web sites, it appears to me that Poppiti’s idea for giving the Board of Pardons direct legal authority to grant pardons for low-level, non-violent offenses is simple and rooted in Democratic principles of fairness.
I can’t cut and paste from the site, but click through here and give it a read.
Though neutral in this race, I must say it is refreshing to see a candidate for Lt Governor espousing a position on an issue that actually falls within the authority of that office.
I know, right?
I want to know how he’s going going to stop Isis and and deport illegals
Ehh.. Not sure Mitch and Jason…. Essentially he would be taking that authority away from the Governor, so he isn’t really proposing something within his authority. In fact there may have to be some constitutional fixes. The Board of Pardons recommends pardons to the Governor who ultimately has the final say. Most times the Governor goes with the judgement of the board.
Not sure if its at all Democratic for that authority to reside with an…. wait for it…. Unelected Board. #ChipSlam #ChipWillRiseAgain
If the Gov is just a rubber stamp, what’s the point of slowing the process to a crawl. (Other than the usual, poor people stink and they should just go off and die already.)
I dont know Jason. I’d probably give sole authority to the elected Governor and get rid of the board thats packed with hacks. Thats how many states do it. Its the board that slows the process. I think its just a way to keep the Lt Gov relevant