Is Trump Quitting?

Filed in National by on June 21, 2016

I’m stealing this directly from Daily Kos.

A speech tomorrow in NYC concerning the election. That’s all that’s in the release.

Maybe the Kochs paid his ransom.


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  1. pandora says:

    That’s a crazy press release… designed to get more free press?

    How does he quit? Does he pull a Ross Perot? Say everyone was out to get me? The only thing I’m sure of is this: If he does drop out he’ll blow up what’s left of the GOP on his way out the door.

    The more I think about this the more I think his dropping out is possible. If he drops out then he gets to not only get his victim on, he also gets to pretend he would have won had he stayed in the race.

  2. chris says:

    Maybe. They guy could never handle losing. Ruins the total brand

  3. puck says:

    “You won’t have Donald Trump to kick around anymore.”

  4. Jason330 says:

    “scampaigning” lol.

    HIS follow up tweet says the press conference is to talk about Crooked Hillary.

  5. Dem19703 says:

    It was updated,

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    I will be making a big speech tomorrow to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton.
    10:22 AM – 21 Jun 2016
    2,602 2,602 Retweets 7,475 7,475 likes

  6. That’s a relief.

    As you were.

  7. anonymous says:

    This illustrates Trump’s problem in a nutshell. Unless the newest thing is more outrageous than the last new thing, excitement dissipates and he slips further in the polls.

    This is a predictable move, what you’d expect from having a professional put in charge: Go on the offensive, try to shift the focus away from all the bad news about your own candidate by hammering your opponent’s weakness.

    Trouble is, Trump’s attacks so far haven’t probed raw wounds, just picked old scabs. The attacks of the 90s don’t interest people today. OTOH, most people do NOT know much about the Clinton Foundation, for example, and a skillful blend of fact and innuendo could prompt the press to probe more deeply. Giving the press a new shiny object is a smart move; Politico is guaranteed to take the lure.

    Unfortunately for the GOP, Trump is not skillful at this sort of thing. He has no command of facts and so is likely to overstate them. Clinton then easily counters by highlighting his lies and exaggerations, reinforcing the emerging picture of him as a liar and con-man.

    One real thing has been revealed by all his: Who’s really wielding the power. Trump’s children, it seems, are the only ones who can pierce his self-delusional bubble with news from the real world.

  8. chris says:

    Ivanka would be a much better candidate than her dad . Classy and well spoken.

  9. Ben says:

    a literal pile of feces would be a much better candidate than Trump.

  10. Prop Joe (Hawkeye) says:

    Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo, for President in 2020:

    Make America Wipe Again

  11. mouse says:

    The GOP right deserves Trump and all the fallout that comes from his candidacy

  12. Tom Kline says:

    Ben says:
    June 21, 2016 at 1:35 pm
    a literal pile of feces would be a much better candidate than Trump.

    Exactly, and that is what is running against him.

  13. ben says:

    OH c’mon. Give Gary Johnson a little more credit than that.

  14. LeBay says:

    Tom Kline says:
    June 21, 2016 at 5:53 pm
    Ben says:
    June 21, 2016 at 1:35 pm
    a literal pile of feces would be a much better candidate than Trump.

    Exactly, and that is what is running against him.

    Tom Kline is too dumb to realize that he just admitted that a pile of feces is a better candidate than Trump.

    Way to go, Tom! Keep up the good work, champ!