Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: June 17-23, 2016.

1. The Cowardly Mayor.

Dennis Williams can’t defend himself, so he won’t defend himself.  He still wants to be reelected. Anyone else see the disconnect here?  This News-Journal article lays it out there for all to see. In fact, city resident Erin Lee exposes the mayor better than I could:

Wilmington resident Erin Lee: “Why won’t you show up at the debates??”

Williams: “Why should I when all I will be is the punching bag. I will not get a word in because the deck is stacked against me.”

Lee: “If you don’t have a spine and can’t stand up and defend your plans and ideas for our city against a few other people, how can you say you can stand up and be a LEADER of our city?? You aren’t a leader, you’re a little boy.”

Williams then goes on to insult her. A little boy with anger management problems and a disastrous record. The article also demonstrates how Williams takes credit for stuff that happens in the City even when he has had nothing to do with it.  As to the arts community he touts, the city’s involvement has gone to hell ever since he got rid of Tina Betz, who actually knew what she was doing.

The problem, though, is, he will almost certainly win reelection unless the field of challengers shrinks considerably before the primary election.  I sincerely hope that there is serious polling going on, and that the projected also-rans drop out.  I mean, let’s face it, Williams has been even more disastrous than Karen Weldin Stewart. And he could well be reelected the same way that she was.

2. Has Anybody Seen/Heard Anything from These Campaigns?

Maybe they’re out there and functioning effectively, but they’ve sure been quiet.  First, I hadn’t heard anything from Matt Meyer, who is challenging NCC Executive Tom Gordon, until he weighed in on the news that Gordon’s daughter was blistering David Grimaldi on social media while using an alias.  I like the idea of his challenge, will likely vote for him, and would send money if I thought a serious challenge was being waged. So…is a serious challenge being waged?

Ditto for the campaign of David Roberts, who is running, if that’s the word, for NCC Council President against Gordon’s choice Penrose Hollins (man, what a disappointment) and perennial candidate and job-seeker Karen Hartley Nagle.  I’d be inclined to vote for Roberts if he was out there making an impression.  But things like this worry me. It remains as untouched as the day he announced.

Someone named Denise Bowers filed several months back as the D challenger to State Senator Cathy Cloutier. Nobody up in my area has seen her, any volunteer activity, no nothing.  I know that she’s not a Cloutier plant, but it makes me wonder why she even bothered. And I’ve heard that another D might have interest, but wants no parts of a primary.

I suppose I could mention the campaigns of Carney and Bonini, but Carney is showing up at events and glad-handing, he’s simply remaining as substance-free as ever. What a governor he will be!

3. Brandywine Hundred Activity.

Bryan Townsend has opened up a field office in Brandywine Hundred and the campaign is actively canvassing in Brandywine Hundred and the City of Wilmington. I’ve been doing door-to-door in my area, and I’m extremely encouraged by the response.  The only other statewide campaigns that I’ve seen anything from up here are those of Bethany Hall-Long (I bumped into a friend who was canvassing for her while we were canvassing for Townsend) and Trinidad Navarro, who has at least lit dropped (don’t know about canvassing) in our area and has a couple of signs up.

There’s a sign war going on between Bryon Short and David Brady in the 7th RD. Signs don’t vote, and I’m sure that Short is the favorite, but he’s lost a lot of luster from his early Boy Wonder Years.  I got a few unsolicited grumblings about him and there are even some Brady signs in Arden, on lawns, where Short was previously unassailable. Could be a pretty close race.

What are you seeing? What campaigns are active in your area, and which ones are invisible? Hey, I’m only either Rosencrantz or Guildenstern without you.

4. Filings.

State Rep. Stephen Smyk (R-20th RD); State Rep. Andria Bennett (‘D’-32nd RD); State Rep. Ron Gray (R-38th RD); State Rep. and ‘The Right Reverend’ Tim Dukes (R-40th RD); Wilm. City Councilman Ernest Congo (where does he live again? Hockessin? Does he get mileage when he comes to City Council meetings?) (D-CD 2); State Rep. David Wilson (R-35th RD), facing a primary challenge from Bob Mitchell; and Zanthia Oliver for Wilmington City Council (D-CD 3).

That’s it for this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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