Delaware Liberal

DL community steps up to help Don Peterson challenge Schwartzkopf in the 14th

The DL community contributed $534.12 to help Don Peterson take on the execrable Pete Schwartzkopf. $534.12 might not seem like a huge haul, but Don Peterson is treading a long and difficult path in taking on an incumbent who also happens to be the Speaker, so it is important to take a long view of projects like this.

Since I’ve been paying attention to Delaware politics, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an incumbent beaten on the first attempt. It seems to always take an election for a challenger to get his campaign footing. It is my hope that this support and future support from the DL community, small though it may be, helps Don Peterson fix his vision on the horizon and settle on the long term goal of beating Pete Schwartzkopf if not this primary, then next. If not that primary, then the next.

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