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Our General Assembly was in session until the 5 am hour this morning. The reason for that is that June 30 is the last day of the session and there are some bills that have to pass, like the Bond Bill and the Budget Bill. Which brings to mind, why does the General Assembly wait until the last literal second, and then some few more early July hours, to pass legislation that have six months to pass?
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Each year it amazes me how little gets done in the fall and spring and how much gets done in the last two weeks.
There is absolutely nothing but laziness keeping the Honorables from drafting bills in the summer and fall and pre-filing them in January, giving the committees plenty of time to consider them and work them. “We ran out of time” should never be an excuse for a non-controversial bill that everyone agrees on. Part of this responsibility falls on the agencies that need changes or updates made and don’t put anything forward until late in the game, but the bulk of this stuff seems to come from the legislators themselves.
And while they’re at it, those ridiculous feel-good resolutions should be banned from being introduced after May 1, and should be voted on en masse on a consent calendar. There is no need to spend anyone’s time commemorating the anniversary of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Battle of the Somme or declaring National Nurses’ Week or honoring Eagle Scouts and Legislative Fellows. They are an utter waste of the GA’s time and staff time.
And I know this won’t get anywhere, but we should raise the salaries to $60K, make these full-time jobs, and make them work a full week and put in full days during session. Starting at 1 or 3 or whenever three days a week is ridiculous.
I see where 20 million was appropriated for a bycycle bridge over the old canal in Delaware City
Its ironic that those with disabilities had another fare increase put on them to use the states para transit service. In a few minutes I will charge a man and a lady ten dollars round trip each to go to dialysis.
Theres something wrong with this picture
So they can do bullshit like gong several hundred thousand dollars to Brandywine Counseling to buy a new building without having to go through any public process? I know lots of programs that would like that.