Delaware Liberal

Poll in the Field for Wilmington Mayoral Race!

I took a call this evening from Public Policy Polling who was conducting a poll on the Wilmington Mayoral Race. And I am excited to see the results — if there is polling in Wilmington it is for candidates and I don’t think this one was. Here are the questions asked:

1. Likelihood of voting (I answered very likely)
2. Read a list of candidates (in alphabetical order by last name), with instructions to push a number for the candidate you will vote for
3. Wilmington Right Track/Wrong Direction question
4. Demographic info — race, gender, age
5. Description of Delaware law that allows you to change parties to vote in a Democratic Primary. Do you think it should be easier to change parties to vote in a Dem primary; do you think it should be harder to change parties to vote in a Dem primary; do you think it should stay the same
6. Democratic primaries are currently open to just Democrats to vote in. Do you think that Democratic primaries should be open to all; should they be open to Democrats.

The last two questions did specifically ask about Democratic primaries. Interesting, right? It is as though the GOP here never conduct a primary.

And this was an automated poll — a recording asked the questions, provided instructions on how to answer and you pushed a button for your answer.

So. Public Policy Polling which means that whoever is doing this is serious about the data and has the money to pay for it. This plus the general horserace questions asked lead me to believe that this is NOT a candidate poll. But since it is PPP and these are horserace questions, I’d speculate that the results of this poll will be made public shortly. Will the data come out before the official drop out date so candidates can get their filing fees back? I don’t know, but if you got the call or if you have some clue as to who is conducting this poll, post it up in the comments.

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