Delaware Liberal

Townsend’s reply to John Daniello – “Why don’t you go f#ck yourself” (paraphrase) & and who else got one?

Bryan Townsend, and presumably other Democratic candidates in primary battles like Pete Schwartzkopf, got letters asking them to bow out of their respective races. While I hope Sneaky Pete takes John Daniello up on this idiotic bullshit and lets Don Peterson win by default, I think Townsend has a pretty good response.

Bryan Townsend
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Voters should decide elections, and candidates and parties should respect voters.

I disagree with the letter sent by the Delaware Democratic Party to primary candidates across a number of races, urging us to reconsider our campaigns based on the idea that a primary process might hurt our eventual nominees.

In a state where Democrats enjoy a strong registration advantage, primary elections are critical. In fact, if it weren’t for grassroots primary elections I would not have been elected a State Senator in 2012. I believe that primary campaigns in which candidates respect voters and each other and focus on ideas can serve to strengthen our party’s eventual nominee and our democracy.

My campaign team and I have broad support, from several longtime Democratic groups and many new, energized advocates for progress. We are running a grassroots campaign and we are leading on the issues that matter most to Delawareans: growing the middle class, making public education more teacher- and student-focused, forging a colorblind criminal justice system, and passing common-sense gun safety legislation. Later today I’ll be out knocking on doors, talking to voters who care first and foremost about making progress in these areas. Onward.

Townsend is right, of course. But what I’d like to know is, who else got the “please drop” letters? Who, by process of elimination is John Daniello’s anointed favorite? Did BHL get one? Ciro? Did Pete (in loco parentis) get Park City’s?

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