Delaware Liberal

Trump Voters Own This Awfulness and They Should Be Ashamed of Themselves

One thing to keep in mind while you watch (or intentionally avoid watching) the clusterfuck in Cleveland: Trump voters should feel deeply ashamed, especially the party types like Charlie Copeland. A deep feeling of shame and disgust is perfectly appropriate. Here is the Rude Pundit on that topic:

The mea culpas are coming fast and furious as we approach Thursday’s anointment of Trump as the GOP’s idiot king. We’re getting the questioning of how the hell this could have happened, and we’re getting individuals standing up and saying, “It was me. Fuck. It was me.” Those would include Tony Schwarz, the ghostwriter of Trump’s first hagiography, The Art of the Deal, who tells Jane Mayer in the New Yorker, “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” And it also includes reporter McKay Coppins of Buzzfeed, who says that one reason Trump even ran was because the reality TV star was stung by an article by Coppins that said Trump wasn’t going to run.

Yeah, you’re all motherfuckers and deserve whatever self-flagellation you inflict, but let’s be perfectly clear. Stop thinking so fucking much of yourselves. There is one reason and one reason only that delegates at the Republican National Convention will be forced to watch a parade of Trumps bark at them in barely comprehensible English about how great their father/husband/lover/master/whatever is. Blame the voters. That’s all. However important you think you are, at the end of the day, the voters had a choice, and they went, by increasing and then overwhelming numbers, to Trump.


Between the interview and the press conference to introduce Pence, which was really just about watching Trump suck his own dick for 28 minutes before blowing his load all over the Indiana governor and walking off stage to rinse out his mouth, it’s not just that Trump is uniquely unqualified to be president. It’s that he’s uniquely unqualified to speak in public. It’s beyond a joke now. It’s into something existential for the nation. And who gives a fuck who started it at this point?

The media should treat any Trump voters and on-air supporters like they would a child molester trying to justify why he fucks little boys. We don’t get cable news segments with the host saying, “Well, yes, you believe that anally raping pre-adolescents is morally appalling, but let’s get some perspective on it from Chester over here. Chester is a long-time pedophile and he thinks butt sex with boys is great. Chester, what do you think?” No, we don’t get those segments because fuck Chester and everything he believes. Some things are just in and of themselves wrong. Supporting Trump is one of them. And, yeah, let’s be crystal-fuckin’-clear here: that was just a comparison between Trump supporters and child rapists.

That’s how ashamed Trump voters should feel. They should be isolated and their opinions, even on valid issues like trade, should be discounted until they give up on Trump. You don’t ask a goatfucker what he thinks about tax policy while he’s fucking a goat.

You can say that all this is a rational approach that cannot compete with irrationality. Yes, but we have no obligation to make irrationality seem rational. We can say some shit is just wrong. We’re allowed to that. We can set the terms of debate.

Now, let’s all sit back and watch the calm, reasonable, inspiring speeches by Chachi and that Duck Taliban guy in Cleveland.

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