The GOP is Now Officially Your Angry (Dead or Dying) Racist Grandpa’s Party
Former football coach and Donald Trump booster Lou Holtz dumbs it down and sums it all up. He is angry and he is not going to learn your language or make pretend that your religion is real. Nobody, of course, is trying to make Lou Holtz learn Pashtun, or even Spanish, or even reasonably decent English. Nobody is trying to get Lou Holtz to celebrate Ramadan. But the idea that he has to choose “English” at the ATM is exactly the same thing as being forced to study the Koran. It fills him with a righteous rage. And Soccer…? Jesus Christ, why is there so much soccer on Lou Holtz’ goddam TV?!?!?

Retired Norte Dame coach Lou Holtz charged that the number of immigrants moving to the United States was a veritable “invasion,” according to the Daily Beast.
“Become us” and learn English, Holtz reportedly urged recent arrivals to the U.S.
“I don’t want to become you,” he said, as quoted by the Daily Beast. “I don’t want to speak your language, I don’t want to celebrate your holidays, I sure as hell don’t want to cheer for your soccer team!”
Has anyone heard about al mascitti
Is he working
I miss him soo much
I need to hear AL. !!
Help !!!
You people are haters that obviously prefer a divided America where your manic rants drive the division deeper. I pity you.
Thank you for your concern, Jersey… Your prescient words of wisdom, much like the oracle of hope and inclusiveness that is Lou Holtz, will surely serve as the shining light that guides us safely to shore.
Judging by Holtz’ ranting, football head injuries apparently impact the coaches, too.
Whatever… What if Holtz is right?
@IF “Whatever… What if Holtz is right?”
He’s spouting his personal preferences, so of course he’s “right”.
It’s just ridiculous and offensive as hell.
Holtz is probably right in how own mind — much like Irwin here thinks that Grimaldi is running for Wilmington City Council.
Right about what? Last time I looked ATMs weren’t programmed by the government. What morons don’t understand is the THE PROFIT MOTIVE put that question on the screen — the only color the bank sees is green. And I thought you cro-magnons were all about the profit motive.
What if Holtz is right about immigration in the US amounting to an invasion? On that, I found these stats:
“The foreign-born share of the U.S. population has more than doubled since the 1960s, but it is still below its all-time high. The immigrant population was 5.4 percent of the total U.S. population in 1960. By 2012, immigrants made up 13 percent of the total U.S. population. Still, today’s share of the immigrant population as a percentage of the total U.S. population remains below its peak in 1890, when 14.8 percent of the U.S. population had immigrated to the country.”
@cassandra_m, actually the word is Dave Grimaldi is running against Bobby Marshall in 2 years for the 3rd District Senate Seat.
Anyone who believes David Grimaldi trustworthy deserves whatever happens to him.
Besides, what makes you think he’d get to triple digits at the ballot box?
‘The word is Dave Grimaldi is…’. Wasn’t Grimaldi primarying Tom Gordon?
But thanks for telling us what Dave Grimaldi is thinking. This week.
BTW, I can’t see Marshall running for reelection, and I god-damn-guarantee you that Dave Grimaldi will not be his successor.
This is Irwin’s previous Word on the Street re: Grimaldi.
Irwin just makes stuff up here.
“Irwin just makes stuff up.”
Just like David Grimaldi.
How do you run for Wilmington City Council from Hockessin? Didn’t the article in the paper mention that he gave up his apartment and is living with his girlfriend out there (btw, all the pics on the wall in the background of his “photo shoot” are of him in that article)? Also, you kind of have to live in the senate district you are running for as well.
Besides, these statements make a broad assumption that Grimaldi will not be in jail next to Gordon by that time, soooooo…moot points.
Lou Holtz might be talking about people like me.
A few years ago I read the results of a couple studies that said it was inevitable that the majority language in the USA will be Spanish. I don’t know if that’s true, but let’s suppose it is. Instead of resisting the inevitable, wouldn’t it be better to prepare for the change in stages so that it doesn’t overwhem us and cause considerable and unnecessary problems. We should then do things like teach Spanish in schools every year, when practicable make all public signage in both English and Spanish, begin working on the translations of the US constitution, laws, and legal precedents that will become the official versions for the period that the transition occurs.
It’s a fairy tale to think that the USA won’t undergo significant and fundamental changes over time. That’s what has happened historically everywhere and we shouldn’t think we are exempt from historical processes. Hell, for that matter, it’s an illusion to think the USA will exist entact in perpetuity. But that’s another matter.
And while we’re at it, let’s join the rest of the world and adopt the metric system. It’s time to drop the nationalistic hubris.
I cannot bring myself to watch the hate-fest in Cleveland. Just reading about it makes me feel like I have the cooties.
It’s a tangent, but I was in college where Holtz was starting his head-coaching career. The alumni were hoping he would stay, so, in recognition of the first decent season in [mumble] years, they presented him with an award and gave him a station wagon.
He promptly loaded his family into the car and drove off to North Carolina, waving bye-bye as he left town . . . .
The Word changes folks. Unlike cassandra_m’s and anonymous’s underwear.