Delaware Liberal

Donald Trump is frantically scrubbing his speech for plagiarism.

From Talking Points Memo:

Donald Trump’s campaign team is reportedly checking and rechecking the speech he will give Thursday at the Republican National Convention to make sure it isn’t plagiarized, The New York Times reported. […] Trump’s chief speechwriter, Stephen Miller, told others on the campaign that the speech was original, two anonymous campaign staffers told the Times. Miller declined an interview with the Times. Despite this, at least one staffer reportedly downloaded plagiarism software to screen the text. The search came up empty, according to the Times.

Original, as in either written by Trump himself or Miller. So why would then have to scrub the speech for plagiarism, unless Trump wrote a lot of it, just as, I am convinced, he wrote Melania’s speech. Yeah, I doubt Meredith McIver is either a real person or, if actually a human, responsible for the plagiarism in Melania’s speech.

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