Delaware Liberal

Two Person Race: Townsend, Rochester Lead in Poll


The News Journal and PublicMind, a polling outfit associated with Fairleigh Dickinson University, have released a poll showing both State Sen. Bryan Townsend and former Secretary of Labor Lisa Blunt Rochester tied at 11%. Shockingly, Mike Miller gets 9%, and somehow Scott Walker, they guy with the crazy hand made signs and who stands on a painted old car waving at traffic, gets 6%.

Devastatingly, Sean Barney only gets 4%, and the other candidate, New York transplant Elias Weir, could not garner 1%.

The poll was conduct on both landline and cell phones, and was conducted July 20-24, surveying 715 Republican- and Democrat-leaning residents across the state who identified themselves as registered voters. For the Democratic Primary for the Congressional race, they polled 344 registered Democrats, and the poll has a 5.3% margin of error.

Some of the results make me dismiss poll as an outlier (Miller at 9, Walker at 6, and Barney at 4), but if this is true, Barney may want to consider dropping out of the race. But of course, with his campaign warchest, and Vote Vet support, he definitely will not do that, and will inside lit bomb the state into submission.

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