Archive for July, 2016

Markell signs bill modifying mandatory sentencing

Filed in National by on July 21, 2016 2 Comments
Markell signs bill modifying mandatory sentencing

Mandatory sentencing was a horrible idea, so this is most welcome. What I think is shows though, is that the biggest differences between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats can be swayed by evidence and change their minds. WILMINGTON — Gov. Jack Markell signed into law Tuesday a bill eliminating some mandatory life punishments and […]

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Boos Cruz… What Redstate is Saying

Filed in National by on July 21, 2016 8 Comments
Boos Cruz… What Redstate is Saying Appears to be the last redoubt of anti-Trumpism in the GOP, so I was curious to read their take on Ted Cruz’ speech and the resulting hub-bub.

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Holy &#*$!

Filed in National by on July 21, 2016 14 Comments
Holy &#*$!

Via Slate: “Conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham closed her Republican National Convention speech this way.”  I have no words.

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Thursday Open Thread [7.21.16]

Filed in National by on July 21, 2016 20 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [7.21.16]

I’d never thought I would be … proud… of Ted Cruz. He one upped Trump in dominance politics last night, refusing to endorse in a prime time speech and telling conservatives to vote their conscience instead of voting for Trump, ruining the night for VP nominee Mike Pence and Trump’s other son, Eric. He cast himself as the leader of the true conservative resistance while other Republican leaders, save John Kasich, cowered like cowards before the Fascist. He is now a leading contender for 2020, and will be able to say he was right.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [7.21.2016]

Filed in National by on July 21, 2016 0 Comments

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My response to 3rd party types

Filed in National by on July 20, 2016 61 Comments
My response to 3rd party types

This is my response to Bernie August and any 3rd party types out there who don’t want me to vote for the “lesser of two evils” because that kind of voting is killing America.

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The GOP is Now Officially Your Angry (Dead or Dying) Racist Grandpa’s Party

Filed in National by on July 20, 2016 19 Comments
The GOP is Now Officially Your Angry (Dead or Dying) Racist Grandpa’s Party

Former football coach and Donald Trump booster Lou Holtz dumbs it down and sums it all up. He is angry and he is not going to learn your language or make pretend that your religion is real. Nobody, of course, is trying to make Lou Holtz learn Pashtun, or even Spanish, or even reasonably decent English. Nobody is trying to get Lou Holtz to celebrate Ramadan. But the idea that he has to choose “English” at the ATM is exactly the same thing as being forced to study the Koran. It fills him with a righteous rage. And Soccer…? Jesus Christ, why is there so much soccer on Lou Holtz’ goddam TV?!?!?

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Wednesday Open Thread [7.20.16]

Filed in National by on July 20, 2016 13 Comments

Reports are, from NBC, that two Republican contract speechwriters drafted a speech, and gave it to Melania and the campaign, and the speech she ended up delivering bared no resemblance to that speech. Paul Manafort continues to insist, as does Melania, that it was Melania that wrote the speech. If that is really true, it means two things: 1) the Trump campaign is more amateurish and incompetent than we could ever possibly imagine, and 2) Melania Trump is a liar and a plagiarist. Perhaps we should jail her immediately for theft, since that seems to be the Republican answer for everything these days.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [7.20.2016]

Filed in National by on July 20, 2016 0 Comments

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Bush worries he might be the last

Filed in National by on July 19, 2016 3 Comments
Bush worries he might be the last

Poor George… Former President George W. Bush confided to his closest ex-aides that he fears Donald Trump’s nomination could hasten the downfall of the Republican Party, according to a Politico story out Tuesday. “I’m worried that I will be the last Republican President,” Bush told former aides and advisers at an April reunion in Dallas. […]

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Iowa’s Steve King Wants to Know What Non-Whites Have Contributed to Society

Filed in National by on July 19, 2016 5 Comments
Iowa’s Steve King Wants to Know What Non-Whites Have Contributed to Society

I hope the NY Times doesn’t mind me borrowing their quote. Because I really couldn’t write a better excerpt than this: In response, Mr. King said: “This whole ‘old white people’ business does get a little tired, Charlie. I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about? Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?” – Rep. Steve King, R-IA

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Questions for Charlie Copeland and all Delaware Republicans Running for Office

Filed in National by on July 19, 2016 4 Comments
Questions for Charlie Copeland and all Delaware Republicans Running for Office

Charlie Copeland has said that he fully supports Donald Trump and the GOP platform. Furthermore, he has said that the party is unified in that support. So, I wonder if he, and all Republican candidates for office, would be willing to answer the following questions:

  • Do you agree that abortion in Delaware should be illegal in all cases, with no exceptions for rape or women’s health?
  • Do you support that passage of a law requiring the Bible to be taught in all Delaware public schools?
  • Do you agree that being anti-abortion, and anti-gay rights should constitute a litmus test for appointing “family values” judges to Delaware courts?
  • Do you reject any and all gun control measures in Delaware out hand?

This is Trump’s GOP. It is the agenda that Charlie Copeland has pledged his and his party’s loyalty to. Whether or not Republican office seekers are willing to answer those questions, at least they should be asked.

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No DelDems Statewide Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2016 18 Comments
No DelDems Statewide Endorsements

So finally someone heard me! The DelDems Executive Committee decided to not endorse for statewide candidates this season. This is an excellent decision and one that recognizes that it is the voters’ job to vet and select the candidates that they thnk will best represent them in government.

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