Delaware Liberal

Theory: Republican Primary voters are stupid


I’ve read a lot theories about what Trump might be up to.  From Michael Moore to George Will, these theories are proliferating because the one thing he does not appear to be doing is running for President.  I think the theories are malarkey, and that Trump thinks he can do the job, wants to be President, and is running earnestly for the office, just badly.

So I have a competing theory to throw into the mix.  Republican primary voters are stupid.   They knowingly voted for a person who showed no signs of being able to win the office.  They (Republican Primary voters) are just dummies who made a dumb choice.  If you examine their personal lives, you would probably find a robust record of bad choices.

Some tend to place “angry” above stupid on the list of things motivating Republican primary voters, but isn’t that really the same thing?  What is anger in the context of a democracy other than an outworking of basic stupidity?  Sure they are gullible, and have been taken advantage of by people like Roger Ailes, Glenn Beck, and Donald Trump but isn’t gullible is just another word for stupid?

It is hard to blame Trump for the mess the GOP is in.  It could very well have be Ted Cruz losing right now.  If Republican primary voters are stupid enough to nominate a thin skinned compulsive liar like Trump, they are certainly capable of nominating a thin skinned compulsive liar like Ted Cruz.  They are dummies.

That said…when mid-term elections roll around, the Democrats manage to consistently out stupid the Republicans, but that is a topic for another time.

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