Archive for August, 2016

Sorry. It is another Trump post.

Filed in National by on August 11, 2016 2 Comments
Sorry. It is another Trump post.

Trump continues to search for ways test Charlie Copeland’s loyalty, and shed supporters. Today’s efforts include continuing to call President Obama the founder of Isis and allowing that he really doesn’t give a fuck if he wins or loses.

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Why Lt. Gov Matters

Filed in National by on August 11, 2016 46 Comments
Why Lt. Gov Matters

I realize the the post itself is useless, and the job is a meaningless waste of tax money. But I’m going to play Nate Silver for a second and use statistics to tell you why winning the Lt. Governor’s race matters.

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I Get Email

Filed in Delaware by on August 11, 2016 22 Comments
I Get Email

Specifically, email from a Delaware State Representative campaigning to an email list for his wife, running for Wilmington City Treasurer. This is supposed to be a Big No No, right? And I would expect that if he is emailing this Wilmington-based list, there are probably others he is emailing as well. As I understand it, public officials are not supposed to campaign or conduct campaigns via their state-provided emails. And yet, here we find Representative Charles Potter campaigning via his taxpayer-provided email for the election of his wife. Velda Potter was running for Wilmington City Treasurer and was fired from the Williams Administration for apparent misuse of city resources for her son’s Foxtail concert. Certainly, there were no formal charges over this, but even Dennis Williams was embarrassed enough over it to let her go.

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Thursday Open Thread [8.11.16]

Filed in National by on August 11, 2016 29 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [8.11.16]

WISCONSIN–PRESIDENT–Marquette–Clinton 52, Trump 37

Well, so much for that theory among some that Trump’s alleged populist appeal and anti-trade talk would win him the midwest. The talk among the punditry, both liberal and conservative, is that Trump would not only be competitive in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but he would be the unique Republican to put Michigan and Wisconsin in play. We’ve seen the double digit leads for Hillary in Pennsylvania and Michigan dispel that notion, and now a 15 point lead in Wisconsin. Ohio is still too close for comfort given recent polls, but the Midwest Republican Resurgence is not happening.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [8.11.16]

Filed in National by on August 11, 2016 1 Comment

Great Tex Mex!! #vintagesigns #texmex #delaware

A photo posted by Black Kat Kollectibles (@blackkatkollectibles) on

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Celia Cohen wrote about the WDEL Lt. Gov debate. I read it, and now I’m less smart

Filed in National by on August 10, 2016 8 Comments
Celia Cohen wrote about the WDEL Lt. Gov debate. I read it, and now I’m less smart

According to Celia, two noteworthy things happened during the debate and one note worthy thing happened just after it.

Loudell asked a good question: Is this office useless? Ciro Poppiti spoke of himself in the third person during the debate and Bethany Hall-Long had an egregious double-typo in her post debate email “Deomcratic Exeuctive.”

I learned nothing else about anything, everything else was fluffy and filler. If you doubt that, read it yourself.

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Rep. Harold “Jack” Peterman (R) has died.

Filed in National by on August 10, 2016 2 Comments
Rep. Harold “Jack” Peterman (R) has died.

According to the Governor’s office, Representative Jack Peterman has died. He was retiring from office this year, not running for reelection after having missed much of the last two years of the session due to illness. He had been diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year. Our best wishes and deepest sympathies extend to his family, friends and colleagues.

We will have more information as the story develops.

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on August 10, 2016 3 Comments
Question of the Day

Will Donald Trump knock Al Smith off the Top Ten Biggest Losers in Presidential election history?

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Wednesday Open Thread [8.10.16]

Filed in National by on August 10, 2016 17 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [8.10.16]

Ed Kilgore says Trump’s assassination “joke” was thinly veiled sedition:

Donald Trump managed to descend to new depths today by repeating a tedious gun-lobby argument that Hillary Clinton wants to “essentially abolish the Second Amendment” and then turning it into a “joking” suggestion that “Second-Amendment people” might hold the only way to deal with that threat. Nothing like a little assassination humor to liven things up on the campaign trail, eh?

But even as they condemn the shocking utterance, a lot of observers seem to be missing the fact that Trump is adapting a dangerously common right-wing claim. It’s that the most important purpose of the Second Amendment is not to allow people to defend themselves from robbers and muggers and would-be murderers and rapists if the police cannot get the job done, but rather to create a heavily armed populace prepared to undertake revolutionary violence if the government tries to impose “tyranny.” Let’s be clear about this doctrine: It lets the gun-wielders decide for themselves whether high taxes or government surveillance or Obamacare is a sufficient threat to liberty to justify getting out the shooting irons and killing the police officers and armed-services members assigned the responsibility of enforcing the “tyrannical” laws in question. And conservative politicians have often made it clear they understand and are okay with that incredible risk, as when Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle referred cheerfully to “Second-Amendment remedies” for the liberal policies supported by her opponent, Harry Reid. Angle was hardly alone: During the Republican presidential primaries this cycle, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz both endorsed the idea of gun rights being a safeguard against too much Big Government liberalism.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.10.16]

Filed in National by on August 10, 2016 0 Comments

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Lisa Blunt Rochester Tries to Trick Voters into Contributing to Her Campaign.

Filed in Delaware by on August 9, 2016 4 Comments
Lisa Blunt Rochester Tries to Trick Voters into Contributing to Her Campaign.

So. Lisa Blunt Rochester sends out the following e-mail:   Friends, This week we celebrate the 51st anniversary of the Voting Rights Act being signed into law. It is a piece of legislation that guarantees all Americans—no matter their race—the right to vote. For the first time in half a century, we are facing an […]

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Trump Today: “The Second Amendment People” can “do something about” Hillary Clinton

Filed in National by on August 9, 2016 12 Comments

Trump hits a new low in suggesting that “The Second Amendment” could “take care” of Hillary Clinton should she beat him in the elections and become President.

In a video circulating today from a campaign event in Wilmington, NC, GOP nominee Donald Trump jokes that the “Second Amendment, People,” in other words militantly pro-gun conservatives who themselves own and use guns, might be able to find a way to deal with Clinton selecting Supreme Court justices during her term. This is a fancy way of saying she should be assassinated, and specifically, shot to death by armed citizens.

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Bonini and Reigle disqualify themselves

Filed in National by on August 9, 2016 4 Comments
Bonini and Reigle disqualify themselves

It is not as if Bonini and Regiel were qualified to hold statewide office. Bonini was shoved into this farce of a governor’s race by Copeland who, very sensibly, doesn’t want Laser Lafferty representing the DEGOP in the minds of voters. Regiel is another place holder keeping a statewide spot on the ticket warm for Ken Simpler.

Nevertheless, they are both now on record supporting Trump, so whatever little credibility they had has dissipated like the gossamer fingers of morning fog that caress the reedy shores of the lazy Appoquinimink river.

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