She has loaned herself an additional $225,000 on top of the $178,900 she already loaned herself. Just how rich is Ms. Blunt Rochester?
In her latest FEC fundraising filing (which is a separate report filed on Thursday, with the new loans not being included in that report), she raised $171,646.94 since July 1, and she has $107,225.10 cash on hand. Well, now she has $332,225 cash on hand. Sean Barney raised $217,624.61 during the same pre-primary period, and has $353,580.61 cash on hand. Bryan Townsend raised $116,980.80, and has $199,252.34 cash on hand.
The loans are obviously meant to help LBR keep pace with Barney. I suppose Barney is going to blanket the airwaves with his TV ad and LBR wants to do the same. But Delaware is won on the ground by going door to door. So it will be interesting to see if this is the first Delaware campaign won on TV.