Delaware United Rocks!
Remember how the supporters of Howard Dean applied their grassroots skills to great effect after Dean’s candidacy faded? In Delaware, many of these supporters became part of the Delaware grassroots and remain progressive stalwarts to this day.
Bernie Sanders supporters have taken the same approach in Delaware, and are working very hard on at least three campaigns near and dear to Delaware Liberal: Bryan Townsend for Congress, Eugene Young for Mayor, and Matt Meyer for NCC Executive.
Those supporters have joined together to create Delaware United, and they are awesome! Here’s how they describe themselves:
We are a proactive group of Delaware voters from various backgrounds, all united to change the course of Delaware local politics.
They’re also real cool. They’re hard-working volunteers, but they’re also lots of fun. Reminds me of what I love the most about grassroots politics.
Does Delaware United seem like your cuppa? If so, you can check em out here:
You might even make yourselves some new friends. I did.
Wonderful getting together on Sat. and meeting you, Al and the others. DL is the gold standard for political discussion and analysis in the 1st State as far as I’m concerned, so getting a shout out from you guys is a big compliment to all of us at Delaware United. Thank you.
At DU we are proud to be amateurs – the future of our state is too important to leave to the professionals. Like you, we are looking to push DE politics in a much needed progressive direction. We’re doing that in a non-partisan way thru a combination of research, endorsements, volunteering for worthy campaigns, and ongoing activism to keep all the pols honest and on their toes while they’re in office. I like to think of us as sort of a book club on steroids. Plus we have a darn good time while we’re at it. Looking forward to keeping the communication lines open and working with you whenever/wherever we can!
You guys are the best! It was wonderful meeting them while working with Eugene Young.
I had the pleasure of walking with a DE United member when canvassing for Bryan Townsend. She was so eager to learn more about DE politics and to get more involved…I love canvassing, but she made it more fun than I’ve ever had! Excited to see a group of (presumably mostly) fresh faces!
I can attest to the awesomeness of Delaware United, having done canvassing for Bryan Townsend with several members (including Mike). Keep up the good work guys.
This worked well for Dean….
Commendable activism and I applaud these folks getting engaged in the work. In the bigger picture, we must deal at some point on the left with our fragmentation into dozens of left groups stumbling over one another, duplicating and being redundant, rather than coalescing in a unified front to dominate. But, in the meantime, welcome to the work DU.
Stan, It isn’t just the stumbling, and duplicating. It is being openly hostile to each other. Maybe we can kick it off by discussing items we all agree on. It would be great to have some sort of formal acknowledgement among the “left of center” that there is a lot of common ground.
jason, i agree. for, you know, what it’s worth.
I get the whole thing about unity but why is the democratic logo given equal size next to the green logo and the libertarian logo. Greens are almost always spoilers and libertarians are pretty much the opposite of progressives on economic issues. Just wondering.
That’s a nonproductive observation.