Nobody knows who the hell is going to win these Dem primaries?
The cool thing about being a contributor here is that there are times when you don’t have much to contribute,and that’s…okay. Commenters take up the slack.
Like now for instance. I have no bloody clue who is going to win these Dem primaries for Lt. Gov and US House a mere 7 days from now. No. Bloody. Clue. But USUALLY there are people who know stuff and they put that stuff in the comments section. Their information is, at time, tinged with wishful thinking, but often time it isn’t. It is the straight dope.
Not this time though. Nobody has any convincing info at all. It is all idle conjecture.
This should be a fun comments section.
I am voting for the person who sent me the LEAST amount of glossy mail pieces. Sorry Barney, that rules you out. Nothing personal, but I have to have some kind of system.
mike miller only candidate we can trust!…shameful delaware liberal treats him like not even in race!!
It is a wide open race. Polling, both public and internal, indicates a Townsend lead. What is interesting in this race is that Barney is targeting most of his mailers to senior citizens or at least 55+ community. I have not received one piece of mail from either him or Lisa. I have received tons of stuff from Townsend. Barney and LBR are trying to win this primary via television ads. Townsend is trying to win it on the ground and on social media. It will be interesting to see who wins, and then to pour over the returns and figure out why.
If you are forcing me to pick, I say Townsend squeaks it out, with LBR a close second.
Sussex Dem… Mike Miller is against marriage equality, so I am against him.
I’m going to out sussex_dem as who he really is…. Tarzan.
I’m definitely not a senior and don’t live in a 55+ community (though Claymont can be considered that, technically) and I get multiple Barney mailers every few days. Townsend is a close second, followed by LBR.
other candidates spending wall street $$ on litter!! mike miller spending DELAWARE money on DELAWARE ads!!
Not Townsend, Sussex Dem. Townsend is the only candidate in the race who has raised the majority of his funds from inside of Delaware, not including loans. Barney and LBR are relying on hundreds of thousands of dollars in out-of-state money, Super PACs, or personal loans to keep pace. To date, Sean Barney has raised nearly $500,000 of his $670,000 from out-of-state donors, while Lisa Blunt Rochester raised nearly $100,000 from out-of-state in the last reporting period alone. Rochester has also loaned her campaign more than $400,000.
LBR’s mail plan is to target black voters, while relying on Emily’s List to target women. Her strategy is to win with those two demographics, which would be smart if she had established at least some sort of field presence.
I get Barney lit just about every other day. It’s a running joke in my house.
I get a Townsend piece about once a week.
I’m sure I’ve gotten LBR stuff, but I can’t really think of when.
Carney all but endorsed Lisa at her event in Wilmington last weekend. Uncool of Carney, but this works as the anti-endorsement for me.
I keep comparing this to Markell/Carney, and I keep noticing that none of the candidates have any field presence below the canal. Not that I’ve seen anyway.
FWIW, my landline (which I don’t answer if I don’t recognize the number) is ringing off the hook. They have to be pollsters, because if it was candidates, they’d at last leave a message, right?
Townsend has a field office in Sussex County. I love his grassroots style & energetic team.
My landline is ringing off the hook too. I don’t think that this is pollsters.
I meant New Castle County below the canal.
I’m in Milford. I’ve received tons of mail from Barney, a good bit from Townsend…and that’s it as far as the Congressional race. If I wasn’t on here, I would think it was a four person race. Mike Miller is heavily invested in road signs in the area, and Scott Walker’s hand made signs are…charming.
I’m saying Townsend takes it, grassroots efforts compared to TV adds says people care enough to knock on doors for a candidate they believe in. It’s easy to buy TV adds a lot harder to get people to work for free. Both Barney and LBR have money coming in from every which way and if you can afford to loan yourself $400,000, just wow!
I’ve gotten a lot of mailers from Townsend, none from Barney or Rochester. A lot from both McGuinness and BHL. And we’re a two-Democrat household here.
Miller seems to have a lot of signs up at businesses, which really surprises me. Why would you put out there that you’re backing a nutjob?
I think it’s going to be Townsend-Rochester-Barney for Congress, and McGuinness-BHL-Poppiti for LG.
I received a ton of mailers from all three candidates, but definitely Barney is in the lead as far as mailers are concerned. I would love to feel like I could vote for LBR, but my recollection was that when she was Director of State Personnel under Carper, she was very ineffective and not very supportive of policies supporting state workers. I am definitely a lean for Townsend, but Barney is not out of the picture yet.
I like Eaby for Lt. Gov. because of his legalization push and because the other candidates don’t excite me, either. That said, I don’t expect him to win.
Oh yes. I am definitely meh for most of the candidates for Lt. Governor as well. However, I will also vote for Brad Eaby, who has been a good long-term Kent County Levy Court Commissioner. Although Eaby has almost no chance to win, I don’t believe that it is a wasted vote for the unnecessary position of Lieutenant Governor.
Hey, we’re working on a prediction piece. I can almost guarantee that our commenters will do better than we do.
As a two Democrat, mixed race household, it is interesting to see the lit coming in.
LOTS from LBR. Sometimes two in one day. Some addressed to both of us. Some to me.
SB and BT seem to be tied for second. All SB Mail addressed to husband. And I am the “better voter”. SB has ads on those silly 22 Words articles that I admittedly click on from Facebook.
BHL has sent most mail in her race and I got a call last night. I remember one from CP recently.
If these races are based of of experience, Lisa and BHL take the cake on that one
I personally will be supporting Lisa and Kathy on Tuesday, Kathy has done so much for her community in Rehoboth. I feel as if she hasn’t really been given a chance on this blog since we know that the person who runs this blog has a huge negative bias on Pete Schwartzkopf. But I seriously believe she has the right amount of business and legislative experience to be an effective LG.
Several people run this blog, and lots more than “one person” has a negative view of Pete Schwartzkopf. Your endorsement of Park City Kathy is exactly what we would expect of a tool of Blackhead.
Like Pete, she is not really a Democrat. Ask Ernie Lopez.
Given your first two strikes, I wondering now if I should actively oppose Lisa Blunt Rochester instead of not caring if she wins. The net worth already makes me leery. And yes, I’d say that if it were a self-made white/man. And for the record, a corporate lawyer makes me leery and a guy who touts his military record does, too.
Another Anonymous: I wish Eaby would consider running for the General Assembly…as long as he doesn’t challenge Sean Lynn. Not sure whose district he’s in. Hey, if he’s in Bonini’s district, all the better.
Delaware Dem, It’s interesting how you’re hearing that polls have Townsend ahead, when a number of people I’ve come in contact with indicated that those polls show LBR in the lead, with Townsend a close second and Barney in third. I’ve also heard there’s some polling with Barney in second and Townsend in third.
I think the people who worship Townsend on this blog are going to be shocked when they realize that most Democrats in Delaware, even those who regularly vote in primary elections have no idea who he is. Ive heard that polling showed his name recognition was abysmal when this race started and it really hasn’t improved all that much since then.
Doorknocking is great for local races at getting your name out there and securing solid supporters. It’s because in those races the candidate themselves is hitting those doors- any campaign person worth their salt knows that you can’t trade on that type of voter contact. But doorknocking for a statewide, you’re relying on your unpaid volunteers to make a good impression on your behalf, on the very few houses where people come to the door and are willing to engage in productive dialogue. I’d be curious of those who answered the door, if you were to ask them three weeks after a candidate’s canvassers came to their house which candidate they were representing, the vast majority wouldn’t be able to tell you which campaign team knocked their door. Bryan Townsend tried to run a campaign where he’s applied what worked in his local race to a statewide race, and that’s just not going to get it done. I say LBR, Sean Barney a close second and Townsend in third.
I’ll agree with Jason. Too may variables in both races to select any favorites…
O.K. folks, HEELLPP!! As I’ve said before, I’m a newbie to DE politics, but a long (long, LONG) time activist in my native NY, so I need some help here.
I’m set for Congress (Townsend), Insurance Com. (Navarro), NCCo Exec. (Meyer), and NCCo Pres. (Roberts), but I’m at a loss when it comes to the Lt. Gov. race.
I was leaning toward Eaby until I got a mailer today from the NRA endorsing him. Of course, the idiots at the NRA had him running for Governor, but the simple fact that the gun nuts know his mane gives me the willies. I have a serious problem with Hall-Long, as she supports state sanctioned murder (death penalty supporter), and everything I’ve heard about her on this site gives me serious reservations about McGuiness.
Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks a bunch.
While I don’t know their positions for sure, based on their community outreach, I’d suggest looking at Ciro Poppiti and Sharon Dorsey Walker.
The NRA gave Eaby an A rating on the eve of a Democratic primary? And they consider that … helpful to their cause?
The NRA gave Eaby an A rating on the eve of a Democratic primary? And they consider that … helpful to their cause? (Otherwise, I agree with El Som’s suggestions.)
Joe, I’ve known Sherry and Ciro for more than 20 years. Ciro went to high school with one of my sons, and Sherry once worked as an intern for me. Both are high-quality people with the best of intentions and the public’s best interest at heart. I’d like to vote for both but I’m choosing Ciro because I believe he will be more effective in shaping policy and advocating for improvements in state government.