The Delaware Voters’ Guide
From the News-Journal:
A couple of things I found interesting. Contrast Don Peterson’s responses with the non-responses of Pete Schwartzkopf. Arrogance personified.
While Carney’s responses weren’t too bad on some issues, his citing of the ‘bipartisan’ report on economic reform is disingenuous. He knows damn well that what that means is that D’s are members of the Chamber of Commerce too. This report was written for the Chamber and the Delaware Business Roundtable, and Carney has now endorsed it. Don’t look for any sort of progressive tax structure changes from our Chamber Award Winner.
I know I’m biased, but I reallyreallyreally liked Bryan Townsend’s responses.
Check out the Guide and let us know what you think.
I love how KWS’s responses on everything were basically “I don’t have the power to fix this.” And talking about increasing competition without any mention of the Highmark-BCBS merger.
Miller=our man…knows to keep it simple…knows delaware!!
She could have helped to stop the Highmark-BCBS merger by working with then-AG Beau Biden, who was lobbying against the bill in the General Assembly. But KWS supported it, and the chair of the House committee that could have amended it, the Chamber’s own Bryon Short, was quoted in the paper as saying, “There’s nothing I can do.”
She is now touting her ‘experience’ as the reason for her reelection. Experienced at being the mascot for the insurance lobby, that’s KWS.
Didn’t Bryan Townsend work on that Highmark case for Highmark when he was at the corporate law firm?
And I asked that as a question but I already know the answer. Just quizzing you kids.
I don’t know but Townsend advocated for single payer system at Widener Law debate the other day. Sounds good to me!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know Sen Townsend but I have heard that he is a corporate attorney. If that’s true, it seems odd that no one in this Progressive community seems to have any reservations about that. Is it fair to say that others would likely be questioned about the conflict of their chosen profession and the Progressive movement?
Hilary Clinton once served on the Board of Walmart. Everyone seems to giver her a pass…
Being a corporate attorney doesn’t disqualify you… If you look at Townsend’s deeds, you see he is very progressive….he passed the bill to let the undocumented get drivers licenses in Delaware. He’s very pro public education and endorsed by the teachers….
JTF you are on the ball today! 10/10 keep up the great work buddy
A single payer system, would be even worse, than what we have today!
Boy, it sure would be. Get rid of the billions going to insurance companies, who provide no healthcare, and direct the money that goes to them right back into healthcare.
A dis-ASTER, I tell ya’.
Did anyone else notice Valerie Longhurst’s attack on Bryan Townsend? It was in response to a recent ad that the Townsend campaign posted. (
She deleted it, as she has done with many other posts about other elected officials that go against her political machine. But incase you missed this baseless attack:
Quoted from Valerie Longhurst facebook
“I guess it is campaign season where candidates will say anything. I’m very disappointed in Bryan Townsend taking credit for the package of bills that lead I lead the charge on with Sen. Blevins. HS1 for HB1 was Sexual Assault on Campus in which Bryan said it was a “Do Nothing Bill” It should be well documented in the Senate hearing minutes. ”
It didn’t seem like he was taking credit for any of the bills that she “lead” the charge on. The only piece of legislation mentioned was an amendment that attempted to remove the grant-in-aid funds for Planned Parenthood.
I’m not surprised though, Representative Longhurst’s reputation precedes here.
Val’s too old to learn a little class at this point in her life.
Val has also endorsed Park Slope Kathy because…Pete Schwartzkopf.
Just one more reason to vote for anyone but McGuiness.
@ El……and you want the government to run the healthcare system. Look at the VA! Oh, that’s right let the government get even bigger.
Here are some examples, locally when the government gets involved:
Bloom Energy….Who is watching our money going to waste!
Big waste of money!!!!
The VA is a part of the healthcare system in the same way private hospitals are. Yes, there are problems with the VA, BUT single-payer healthcare is another part of the healthcare system that works very well, where it is already in operation- Medicare.
There are far fewer complaints about the payment of covered services from citizens covered by Medicare as there are from those covered by private insurance companies.
A single-payer health system would merely be the expansion of Medicare to cover all. It would be paid by employee and employer contributions in the same way. That would mean an increase of taxes to cover everyone, but that would be offset by the elimination of premium payments to insurance companies-which are after all profit making businesses. Single payer works in one form or another in every industrialized nation in Europe and has so without major problems for decades.
I heard that same quote from a different member of the house recently specifically the “do nothing bill” part.
As much as Mitch can be a pain in the ass he is right on about single pay health insurance. Wish he would get out of politics and fight for issues.
Unfortunately for Rep. Longhurst, there are no minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee available online.
My wife has been the recipient of a lot of the Townsend mail in recent weeks touting his commitment to fighting on behalf of equality for women in Congress. This is what she said when I asked her about his message:
“The best way Townsend could show his support for women’s equality is to work towards women’s equal representation in Congress. Equality means equal representation. We don’t need surrogates.”
“The best way Townsend could show his support for women’s equality is to work towards women’s equal representation in Congress. Equality means equal representation. We don’t need surrogates.”
Identity politics at its finest. And people wonder why white men are voting for Trump. Someone who says the above must recognize that the logic applies equally. So, basically, tell your wife to get bent for me.
anonymous, I can’t even parse what Steve is even saying. I have no idea who the surrogates are that she doesn’t need.
I’m a Democrat. But I love when Democrats moralize about identity politics. Gotta sleep in the bed you make, baby.
And what Steves wife is saying is if she wants someone to represent women in Congress, she will vote for the fucking minority woman running and not a white male corporate lawyer.
Yeah, I can read. And what I said is if you can’t tell an empty suit when you see one, get bent. Yep, LBR is a woman, all right. That means Mrs. Steve agrees with everything she says. Whatever that might be, since LBR won’t say spit even if she has a mouth full of it.
I noticed she blew off the Dover Post’s candidate questionnaire. Her polling must have her ahead if she thinks she doesn’t even have to have an intern fill out such a basic document. Or maybe she just doesn’t know how to run a campaign or a congressional office.
BTW, watch who you call a Democrat. I sign up as whatever the primaries are. And I know call identity politics when I see it.
I call out dickheads when they appear here, too. Takes a special sort to get his jollies taunting people.
Who we call a Democrat are those who win their primaries. You may not agree with them on all issues, but they won the most votes so like it or not, they are what the Democratic Party stands for, as of this year…
The same is true for those Democrats not contested in a primary but happen to be the only ones on the ballot for that race… There is a reason no one else jumped in… and therefore, they (one could say by default) best represent the Democratic Party like it or not..
The corporate lawyer meme needs to die. Lisa is a multimillionaire who worked as a “consultant” for 10 years. When one candidate is self-funding their campaign to the tune of almost a half million dollars, it’s pretty clear who the elite in the race is.
I’m sick of white men
How about we elect the most qualified person regardless of background, gender, or race?
As long as it’s not an old white guy